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Mad Mac Maniac

macrumors 601
Original poster
I am seriously considering jailbreaking my phone for the first time. I'm sorry, I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I did a quick search and didn't find anything.

I have a mac, should I use pwnagetool or quickpwn? what are the benefits of each or are they the same? quickpwn seems like it would be much faster and easier, but is there any advantage to using pwnagetool???
I prefer pwnagetool, but if you really dont want to restore your phone, then quickpwn will work fine.
Yeah I heard that. Which is exactly why I'm wondering why people use pwnagetool.. clearly there must be some advantage. I don't really understand

probably cause pwnage works the first time? im not sure, my friend jailbroke like 4 diff phones in 30 mins w/ quickpwn, some of them he had to try a couple times to get it to work, so idk if its pwnage is more stable or what.

all seem to work fine in the end.
If you ask me it's the fact that pwnage has more options, so you feel like you have a bit more knowledge than if you use quickpwn. I fail to see any real advantage when it comes to every day use.
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