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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 17, 2008
This has happened to me twice in 2 days. I pwn my phone and I can connect to the internet over 3g no problem. I install some app updates plus some cydia apps. I go out of wifi range and can make phone calls and send and receive texts but I can't connect to the internet over 3g or edge with full bars one both!

I've found a workaround which is to restore the firmware but hell will freeze over before I settle on restoring my phone twice everyday.

Has anybody else had this problem? Have you found a solution?

I'm gonna try and figure it out myself.. I'm thinking a cydia app is causing the trouble. I'll post an update as soon as I figure anything out.
bossprefs is the culprit.

BossPrefs warned people to only use it for SSH on/off. You must of missed the memo. Furthermore, jailbreaking a phone cannot impact its cellular capabilities as the bootloader is modified.
I download it only to use it for ssh but it still messes with my connection without me even launching the app.
i was having the same problem and I have removed bossprefs from my iphone, but still have no data connection over 3g.
was it a mistake to remove bossprefs?
any advice much appreciated.
i was having the same problem and I have removed bossprefs from my iphone, but still have no data connection over 3g.
was it a mistake to remove bossprefs?
any advice much appreciated.

the only fix i found was to restore the firmware.
yeah, thought as much. have to bite the bullet and restore...
thanks for yr help
try this

i went to BossPrefs app selected more and then clicked on Fix User Dir Permissions, this worked for me, on both edge and 3g with wife on and off. good luck.
update to this: could not get connection over 3g with wi fi (or wife) turned off. so tried resetting user dir permissions which did not seem to solve problem. went into bossprefs and switched Edge ON and it worked fine.

which is in itself kinda confusing as my provider does not use the Edge network , but heck it's better that than a restore...
Same thing was happening to me if your edge network is turned off in BossPrefs you cant connect even with 3g. Also sometimes the switch for edge bugs out turn the edge switch on and off. also fix the dir permissions with BossPrefs/more if all that fails, reinstall BossPrefs and try again.
Remove BossPrefs from my Iphone ?

Hi, can anyone tell me how to remove BossPrefs from my Iphone ?
When I am holding down the icon with my finger, I do NOT get the remove symbol.
How is it removed ??
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