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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 19, 2008
Just tested out Qik on the iPhone 3g. It works surprisingly well. The video doesn't look half bad when streaming.

For those of you who don't know what Qik is here is a link:

Anyone else tried it out? What are your thoughts?
If anyone has been thinking about jailbreaking their phone, this app makes it completely worth it. I hope they get this app approved for the official Apple app store. Though who knows, video recording apps may never make it to the app store till theres official videp recording to begin with on the iPhone firmware.

I would jailbreak my iPhone 3G if I was you just for this app alone.

I was live video recording on my iPhone 3G and watching it at the same time on my embedded live video feed on my facebook. This is amazing!!!! Not only awesome video recording but live video at the same time!!!!

Download it through Cydia
any idea if they will get this to work from iphone to iphone? I would love to be able to send live video to another iphone.

Does this also save the video file? and if so, what format?
I found this last night on Cydia and tried it out. I can't believe how seamlessly it works. The experience is like exactly right. I can't wait to enter a situation where I can use this to its full potential. But even just playing with it is wicked cool.

Definitely a reason alone to jailbreak. iPhone watching would be great as well, as someone else suggested.
Hasn't worked well at all for me, I go live but it isn't actually live at all. It records and then uploads when I stop it but its not live. I've been able to go live once so far. :(
I have a couple of little bugs with it. Had someone elses profile running on mine somehow.

I hope they make it to were you can stream private. I know you can set the video to private after you are done.

Also, is anyone able to delete a video. Mine will not delet, I can only set to private.

It is pretty cool though, there is already another one out that I have not tried yet called flixwagon. Its under changes tab in cydia.

Anyway, if anyone figures out the delete thing, let me know. I guess you just give your buddies your url and tell them to watch live when you need to.

As far as the guy above asking about phone to phone viewing, you may be able to go to your buddies actual site through safaria and watch it, don't know though, have not tried that.

Check out the Honeycomb theme. Anyone know how to make the rest of the icons round like the top ones?

Does it support the first-gen iPhone? If it does, I think I may jailbreak tonight. I've been considering jailbreaking lately anyway...
I must say...this program scares me.

I think I like my life private, and this just doesn't seem quite private enough.
I must say...this program scares me.

I think I like my life private, and this just doesn't seem quite private enough.

I feel the same way. I'd love to have video recording software for my phone, but having it pushed to the web automagically makes me a little uncomfortable. Even for stuff that's totally innocent and "family friendly". I know in the current age being "out there" is cool, but I just can't seem to feel comfortable with it.
I have my Macbook air in the car with my sprint card. I have been ichatting in my car at 70mph down highways. Now with the iPhone when Im not in the car, say in a mall I can still somewhat live video stream what not or record videos easily. Between iChat, sprint card and iPhone, Im in mobile video paradise. lol. Probably the weirdest parts being live video streaming from anywhere with my iPhone and iChat full screen amazing quality from my drivers seat lol.
Does locking the lock make the video private? How can you tell if a video is public or private?
Does locking the lock make the video private? How can you tell if a video is public or private?

Yep. You could tell its private by logging onto your profile. The video will either say Public or Private.

When you record with the lock on it shows up as Private in your profile.
I have my Macbook air in the car with my sprint card. I have been ichatting in my car at 70mph down highways. Now with the iPhone when Im not in the car, say in a mall I can still somewhat live video stream what not or record videos easily. Between iChat, sprint card and iPhone, Im in mobile video paradise. lol. Probably the weirdest parts being live video streaming from anywhere with my iPhone and iChat full screen amazing quality from my drivers seat lol.

That scares the crap out of me. What state do you live in? I want to stay FAR AWAY!
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