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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2019
My Quad has been working fine until the other day, with idle temps on CPU A at about 39c, and B at about 44c.
I had it open and laid down to try out some different RAM (didn't work, but that's by the by), and when I've powered it back on (after resetting the SMU), the fans went right up and I checked the temps and they are now in the region of 65c/70c idle on both CPUs.

I've just had the processors out and re-pasted them, there is no evidence of leaking, but the re-pasting hasn't done anything for the temperatures. The pump sounds like it's pumping fluid.

Does anyone more knowledgeable than me know if I'm likely looking at an LCS rebuild, dead pump, or something else?
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