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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 27, 2010
vienna, austria

I have some sort of display issues with maya 2011. I have a 2008 MacPro with the Ati 5770 and the viewport display is rather dark (blue) and the grid lines are to thick, very hard to see wireframes. No problems with maya 2010 on the same machine. I have maya 2011 also on my macbook pro mid 2010 with the geforce 330m and no display issues there. Last week I got the quadro 4000 for mac, but also the same display issues (dark blue viewports). Tried different driver versions under windows, but always the same result. Any solution to this other than using the old version of maya or waiting for the new one?

I´m also rather new to this new gpu supercomputing fermi stuff, I have as I said the ati 5770+the nvidia 4000 mainly for running resolve (works fine), which display shall I connect to which card? Can I connect my 2 display to the ati and use the quadro only for rendering not for display? does this speed up anything?

Just for info, I ran Cinebench with the quadro 4000 under windows bootcamp + mac and the results where rather dissapointing under mac ...

windows= around 50fps
mac= around 20fps

hope apple can speed up things with coming updates ...


  • nvidia330m.jpg
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  • ati5770.jpg
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hope apple can speed up things with coming updates ...

NVidia controls the Quadro drivers, not Apple.

And yes, the NVidia drivers have been disappointing, especially for the Quadro 4000.

As for your answer on which display to connect to which card... For OpenGL apps, make sure the displays you are using for your apps are connected to the Quadro. For CUDA apps, it doesn't matter.
thx for the tip with option+B, thats genius, and I wasted hours of my time to fix this "error", but then it was a feature ...

and thx goMac for the explanation who does the driver thing, - I don´t understand why the release a driver update for windows nearly each week, and only one in several months for mac ... but thx
and thx goMac for the explanation who does the driver thing, - I don´t understand why the release a driver update for windows nearly each week, and only one in several months for mac ... but thx

Apple generally controls the flow of drivers for cards that come with their machines (which I have heard complaining about from developers from time to time, Apple hasn't exactly been the fastest to release the drivers...), but drivers for cards that don't ship with Macs come from the companies themselves.
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