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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 1, 2022

I am a noobie and I wanna play quake II on my macbook 2014(Mojave). I have a retail version of Quake II and want to use source port Yamagi Quake II för MAC.

Installation instructions from

"If you haven't already, make a "~/.yq2/" directory (you may need to do this in Terminal). Copy the "baseq2" folder from an existing installation of Quake II into it. From here should run and be able to find the data for the game."

I dont understand what "~/.yq2/" means and why do I maybe have to do this with Terminal?

Love from Freddie
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2012
Folders that start with a dot are hidden by default, thats why to create them you have to use Terminal.

~ is a shortcut that refers to your home folder. When you start Terminal, you should by default be in your home folder, this is indicated in the prompt, which should have a tilde (~) then a % sign as the input prompt. If you enter the command pwd it will return your location (pwd = print working directory) so you can always check that, if you've cd'd (changed directories) into another location.

cd / - your location moves to the root of the filesystem. pwd returns /.
cd ~ - your location moves to your home folder. pwd returns /Users/<your login name>
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 1, 2022
Folders that start with a dot are hidden by default, thats why to create them you have to use Terminal.

~ is a shortcut that refers to your home folder. When you start Terminal, you should by default be in your home folder, this is indicated in the prompt, which should have a tilde (~) then a % sign as the input prompt. If you enter the command pwd it will return your location (pwd = print working directory) so you can always check that, if you've cd'd (changed directories) into another location.

cd / - your location moves to the root of the filesystem. pwd returns /.
cd ~ - your location moves to your home folder. pwd returns /Users/<your login name>
Thank you VKD for your help. When I try to run Quake II I get an error message. Is this something you understand:

Process: quake2 [35971]
Path: /Users/USER/*/
Identifier: com.macsourceports.yquake2
Version: 8.10 (8.10)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: quake2 [35971]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2022-10-01 21:41:15.138 +0200
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.14.6 (18G9323)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 502ECCFC-31EE-A57E-CA02-ED315A37943B

Sleep/Wake UUID: 3AA3B848-FCDF-4D30-A97C-93FDDAD38AC8

Time Awake Since Boot: 270000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 2600 seconds

System Integrity Protection: disabled

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000

Termination Reason: DYLD, [0x1] Library missing

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: @executable_path/libs-x86_64/libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Users/freddie/.yq2/ cannot load 'libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
/Users/freddie/.yq2/ stat() failed with errno=1
/Users/freddie/.yq2/ cannot load 'libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib' (load command 0x80000034 is unknown)
/Users/freddie/.yq2/ stat() failed with errno=1

Binary Images:
0x105562000 - 0x105625fff +com.macsourceports.yquake2 (8.10 - 8.10) <B2DD7062-338D-3D20-8C71-C6582AA1495D> /Users/USER/*/
0x10978c000 - 0x1097f670f dyld (655.1.1) <4842B61A-B868-3146-9CA9-5582C4198B25> /usr/lib/dyld

Model: MacBookPro11,1, BootROM 431., 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 2,6 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 2.16f68
Graphics: kHW_IntelIrisItem, Intel Iris, spdisplays_builtin
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x802C, 0x384B54463531323634485A2D314736453120
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x802C, 0x384B54463531323634485A2D314736453120
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x112), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 ( AirPortDriverBrcmNIC-1305.12)
Bluetooth: Version 6.0.14d13, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: 802.11ac WLAN Adapter, Ethernet, en4
Serial ATA Device: APPLE SSD SM0256F, 251 GB
USB Device: USB 3.0 Bus
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: Razer Viper Mini
USB Device: 802.11ac WLAN Adapter
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 17.2
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2004
The should be in your /Applications folder.

Then, from the Finder's Go menu, select "Go to Folder" and enter "~/.yq2/" (without the quotes, of course). This should open the .yq2 folder, assuming you already created it in the Terminal.

If you haven't created the .yq2 folder, then open the Terminal and enter the following command: "mkdir ~/.yq2/" (without the quotes). Now open that folder as I explained in the second paragraph above.

Once the ~/.yq2/ is open, locate the "baseq2" folder on your Quake II CD and copy the baseq2 folder (not just the contents of it) into the ~/.yq2/ folder. Then launch the Quake app that you moved into your Applications folder.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2012
Did you get it working? If its not the answer given by Idgit above, try this:

It seems that it couldn't load the libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib. From experience I suggest this: I had a very quick look and saw that it is individuals who are porting the game to various OSs. Oftentimes they use specific software tools to do this, which they've installed in their computers beforehand, which you most likely don't have. It could be that the 'load' command that your computer says in 'unknown' is part of this software toolset. So to get it working, you'd have to find out what that toolset is and install it on your computer.

When I get into these situations, I usually decide that these things are too much trouble for what it is worth. A far easier and simpler option is to install a virtual machine emulation software, such as vmWare Fusion, Parallels or VirtualBox. You can then create a VM running Windows, install your game in there and just run it like that, with minimal overhead.
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