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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 20, 2003
I would like to know if I can run Quark 4.11 if I purchase a G5.

Help please. Thanks a ton.
I'm guessing...

You need the newest OS X version of Quark, since the older ones needed OS 9 and you cannot boot OS 9 on the G5.
Originally posted by SumDumGuy
Shouldn't Quark (4 or 5) run fine under Classic?
There are some "issues" running Quark under Classic.

Simple stuff that could have been patched, but were not.

What were they, I don't know. Ask a Quark user.

But they were enough to keep some people from using Quark in Classic and boot into OS 9. Or essentially forced people to jump ship to Indesign as their OS X program.
With Jaguar, running Quark 4 under classic required a Quark Xtension (ClassicDraw) for it to function properly.

Basically, the extention would force quark to refresh the screen everytime the user switched between applications
Under Panther, classic screen drawing is a lot better (try putting a classic window under the dock for instance; before it would simply draw as a white box), so this Quark XTension is no longer required.

HOWEVER, we have found a few small bugs, one of which involves Extensis Suitcase 10 (or 11) and customised font suitcases. Programs like FlightCheck have the option of collecting all of your screen fonts into a single font suitcase. These fonts will not work with Quark in this situation. Our solution is to first repackage the fonts into seperate font files using FontDoctor (which comes with Suitcase anyway).

So er, short answer is, yes, it'll work.

Sort of funny that Panther would fix some of the problems old Quark users were running into, while creating a bunch of problems.

Hopefully you guys didn't run into the printer and network problem other were/are having with Panther.
Originally posted by Sun Baked

Sort of funny that Panther would fix some of the problems old Quark users were running into, while creating a bunch of problems.

Hopefully you guys didn't run into the printer and network problem other were/are having with Panther.

Printer problems - Yes. Some of our PPDs don't work with some Adobe products (InDesign CS and Acrobat 6), so we've had to rewrite some of them, or 'fudge it' until we see .0.1 upgrades for this software.

Network problems - Yes. Getting users to understand the differences between network browsing and 'Connect to Server' (god who came up with THAT crap!).

On the whole though, after upgrading everybody to OS X from OS 9 on monday, things are starting to smooth out.
True but

That is the true, how Quark drop the ball on the OS 9 to OS X switch and because of that they are paying for it now everybody that I know that was a die hard Quark user has switch to ID because of Quark taking for ever to come on with they version on OS X and Quark 6 is a junk...but that's my opinion;)
Re: Re: Dump Quark fix the problem

Originally posted by idkew
While I do agree with you, I do not think that was the answer he/she was looking for.

Ah, this is true.
My service providers/printers are using Quark 4 and are slowly going the direction of Quark 6 and InDesign.

My vendors put out a quality product even though they don't have the "latest" version of various applications. I need to stick with them. I am definitely telling them to "get with the program" though.

Thanks to all who helped me with this problem.
I am aware that this is an old post but I failed to see the real answer to the question.

Quark 4.1 will not run on a G5. G5's DO NOT support OS 9 and Quark 4.1 will not run in OS X. ---- Simple bottom line.

A G4 Running OS X (Panther) will run "Classic" OS 9.2.2, so Quark will work on a G4.

If you have a G5 then you are running Panther and will need to get Quark 6.

After 35 years in commercial printing and 20 in Desktop Publishing I do know a little.;)

Cool. Those are the words I needed to hear.

Most of my vendors don't have Quark 6, so I may be stuck with my G4 for a while.
I will have to bust thier chops.

Your answer was what I wanted. Thanks a ton.
molo- when you do decide to upgrade just remember its an upgrade that will only set you back about $290.00 A nice investment for a really great product. And one thing to keep in mind also is that you can no longer "borrow" the software and install it at home. Once installed in order to activate it you have to call Quark to get an activation for the specific computer IP that you're going to use it on. They really know how to mess up a guys fun.
I saw a story on here the other day about reinstalling Panther, then Quark wouldn't install because it thought it was already installed. Apparently Quark (the company) then tried to charge the guy $40 or something for a new unlock code.
Originally posted by Sparky's
molo- when you do decide to upgrade just remember its an upgrade that will only set you back about $290.00 A nice investment for a really great product. And one thing to keep in mind also is that you can no longer "borrow" the software and install it at home. Once installed in order to activate it you have to call Quark to get an activation for the specific computer IP that you're going to use it on. They really know how to mess up a guys fun.

Thanks man. I appreciate it.
Originally posted by Sparky's
I am aware that this is an old post but I failed to see the real answer to the question.

Quark 4.1 will not run on a G5. G5's DO NOT support OS 9 and Quark 4.1 will not run in OS X. ---- Simple bottom line.

A G4 Running OS X (Panther) will run "Classic" OS 9.2.2, so Quark will work on a G4.

If you have a G5 then you are running Panther and will need to get Quark 6.

After 35 years in commercial printing and 20 in Desktop Publishing I do know a little.;)

So G5s don't run classic?
No they don't. At a recent seminar in Boston (Dec 1 2003) I attended, Apple, Adobe, Quark, Extensis, and Gretag McBeth, all displayed and demoed (sp) their latest and greatest. It was during the Apple demo about Panther that the Vice President of Marketing in the New England area told us that since the development of the new G5, the architecture no longer will support thr old coding of "Classic" She said it was a decision made by Apple that was going to have to happen sooner or later, so it was at the G5 level.
Clear enough?
Wow. OK, now I am really confused.

17th Hole says that he's running Quark 4.11 on a G5.

Uh, totally confused. I suppose I will have to see all this for my own eyes.

Such confusion.
Originally posted by SumDumGuy
Shouldn't Quark (4 or 5) run fine under Classic?

i run quark in classic mode through osx jag all the time. infact, the whole production studio does. there are minor quirks but nothing that gets in the way of being productive.

ok, sorry for the confusion, i run a G4. i had know idea apple pulled the plug on classic with the G5.

I have a friend that runs a G5...i'll ask him about it today. check back before you go out and party. have a good weekend everyone.
Quark 4.1 on a G5

I must apologize, At some point information can get misinterpreted. I just spent some time on the Apple Knowledge base and came up with this:

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Macintosh: Some Computers Only Start Up in Mac OS X

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Some Macintosh computers start up only in Mac OS X. These computers can run Classic, but they do not start up in Mac OS 9.


In 2002-09, Apple announced that starting in 2003-01 new Macintosh computers would only start up into Mac OS X, while retaining the ability to use most Mac OS 9 applications in Mac OS X's "Classic" environment.

These Macintosh computers only start up in Mac OS X:

PowerBook G4 (12-inch) and later models of 12-inch PowerBook G4
PowerBook G4 (15-inch FW 800)
PowerBook G4 (17-inch) and later models of 17-inch PowerBook G4

Power Mac G4 (FW 800)
Power Mac G5

iBook G4 and iBook G4 (14-inch)

iMac (Flat Panel) with serial numbers of xx303xxxxxx or later
iMac (17-inch 1 GHz) and later models of iMac
eMac (ATI Graphics) some models (see Note)

Note: For eMac (ATI Graphics) computers, startup in Mac OS 9 is available only with CD-ROM and a few Combo drive configurations.

Note: For the Classic environment, these computers include a Mac OS 9 System Folder on the Mac OS X volume. If this System Folder is deleted, it can be restored using the Restore discs that came with the computer. For more information, see technical document 106294, "Mac OS X: How to Reinstall Mac OS 9 or Recover From a Software Restore".

Copyright © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
I gues 17 called it, these machines will run Classic but will not start up in Classic

Again, my apologies for the confusion
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