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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 28, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
Saw this at eweek:

Sources predicted that Mac and Windows versions of XPress 6.0 will debut in early 2003, perhaps in time for January's Macworld Expo/San Francisco. In addition to Carbon support, the upgrade will feature PostScript 3 support and a new XML engine to replace the company's current Avenue.quark XML-conversion application.,3959,429670,00.asp

I'm moving to OSX in Jan...

and never lookin back.

This is all I've been waiting for. My only reason for booting into 9 is Xpress.
Soon I will put my final nail in OS 9's coffin.

If you seriously believe Quark will release version 6.0 in January 2003, and that it will be OSX ready, then I have some Ocean front property in Idaho for sale if you were interested. :D
Originally posted by Kelso41
If you seriously believe Quark will release version 6.0 in January 2003, and that it will be OSX ready, then I have some Ocean front property in Idaho for sale if you were interested. :D

:) Well - if not Jan, at least it's coming...

'bout time! Wow XPress for OS X ONE year after InDesign.... And it's not even Cocoa (if Quark really want's XPress to run smoothly on X before they release it, then Cocoa would be the natural choice. And goddammit, they've had enough time to do it).

Although Quark is late to the game, this is good news.... sort of
Originally posted by Kelso41
If you seriously believe Quark will release version 6.0 in January 2003, and that it will be OSX ready, then I have some Ocean front property in Idaho for sale if you were interested. :D

Actually, I am just being optimistic. I know well enough not to have too high expecations of Quark. After all, it took them 5 years+ to move Xpress up three version points (3-5). How can I truly expect them to move up two points in less than 2 years.:rolleyes: Hellooo!

On another note, where do you get off trying to sell me property I already own!;)

Good news??? How many YEARS passed between 4.11, and 5.0?

You really think quark finally woke up, and started speeding up their development process. Over two years ago I saw a demo of 5.0 at a convention in Philly. It was finally release 5 months ago.

I know it does not sound like it, but I actually like Quark. I am just not fond of their lack of support, customer service, and complacency that comes with being industry standard right now.
Originally posted by O and A
Sheesh not bad at least we don't have to wait 5 years for another update as is usual with quark
This is good

On the other hand, how long did Quark exces talk about version 5, before it actually shipped??? Like, 2 years. And the passport version is still not available.... Mabye we should not be that optimistic.... :rolleyes:

BTW, Welcome to the boards!!! :) :) :) :D
Why are people so hung up on bashing Carbon applications? Quark 6.0 isn't going to be written in Cocoa, who the hell cares. Neither is basically every other application that runs in OS X. inDesign isn't Cocoa. Neither is MS Office. Neither is anything from Macromedia. And for the forseeable future, that's how it is going to be.

Originally posted by arn

:) Well - if not Jan, at least it's coming...


Yes, it's coming, but so is the end of the world :D . Hopefully Quark for OS X will be released before that.

I really think it was a stupid move for Quark to even release version 5.0 at all. Someone there wasn't thinking or paying attention. They would have been better of going back to the start and working on a carbon version of XPress way back when they were working on the early vers. 5, even if that meant releasing it much later, like November of this year. Now, any poor sap that upgraded to 5.0 thinking that it would take Quark another eon to come out with the next verison will have to pay up for yet another upgrade. This just makes thm look disprganized. Besides, unless Quark pulls a miracle out of their @sses, I doubt it will be half as cool as InDesign. Unfortunately that won't matter, because for now Quark still has dominating control in the electronic publishing industry. So it's likely everyones been waiting and will jump on this release, whenever it comes.
Quark is ABSOLUTELY useless

I have InDesign running, i'm 100% more productive, since its SO integrated with PS7 and AI10, it rocks, plain and simple, and blows Quack Quack out of the water.

Even my prepress and print shops are using it. You just have to bully them. "oh, well, I'll take this $10,000 print job to another place"

Believe me, ID will be installed on their machines in seconds. I know. I've seen it.

Originally posted by fraserj
Why are people so hung up on bashing Carbon applications? Quark 6.0 isn't going to be written in Cocoa, who the hell cares. Neither is basically every other application that runs in OS X. inDesign isn't Cocoa. Neither is MS Office. Neither is anything from Macromedia. And for the forseeable future, that's how it is going to be.

who's bashing Carbon apps?

Quark 6 - not 5 for OS X

This sounds a bit familiar. I don't recall what version number it was back then, but Quark charged for moving from 68K to PPC. Its likely this version 6 is more like 5 than you realize. They are likely changing the version number to hide what they really intended to do all along. Charge you AGAIN for the OS X version. Too bad we own 85 copies.

Quark Xpress 6 in jan?

If it does come in January, that'll the fastest version ugrade Quark has ever had.

And the reason for it being in carbon is support for OS 9 as well as OS X. If I'm not mistaken, there isn't a professional postscript driver for OS X yet, which is the main reason why they'd want to do Quark 6 in carbon rather than cocoa.
I sat in a room with the Quark people, and they told me to my face that they thought they had a solid program in 5.0, and they did not want to rework it from the ground up to run in OSX. They also thought Apple needed to finish up OSX before they committed developing their software to run in it.

They also said it is very hard for them to keep up with a competitive updating schedule like other venders, because they use so many third part programmers for their extensions. They did not want to alienate any of them, and also knew that we, the end user, have come to rely on these extensions. (only because they fill in where Quark falls short.)

Here is a simple suggestion... learn to build a better program, and stop having everybody and their brother write extensions in an effort to make Quark more appealing.
Originally posted by arn

:) Well - if not Jan, at least it's coming...


I though that people who dosn't want to jump from Quark to InDesign because they said that they won't be able to use all their extension that they invested in. Why would they want to go Quark 6 then since it won't be able to use the old extension anyway:confused:
XPress = to little too late.

Quark have f***ed me over too many times for to give a toss any more. They treat their customers so badly they make Microsoft look like the Red Cross.

I bought a copy of 3.1, after registering it I heard nothing from them, even when 4 came out...

...for which there was a £400 'upgrade' charge, and for what - I've seen patches with more improvements.

You have to pay extra for support - which is second rate.

It's got more bugs than a dead buffalo - and they're so sloooow to fix them.

That damn pasteboard Xtension - I don't have the words...

Files that corrupt themselves at random.

The list goes on...

Do yourself a favour, move over to InDesign 2 and find a printer with 21st century technology (one not running a Mac 8100 and a six year old RIP). You won't regret it.
I know... I know...

It's got more bugs than a dead buffalo - and they're so sloooow to fix them.

That damn pasteboard Xtension - I don't have the words...

Files that corrupt themselves at random.

The list goes on...

We feel your pain. really!
Quark 6... whoopeee

Wow Quark 6. Doomed to be the only OSX app without multiple undos.

"Quark execs want to see how multiple undos in other software is generally accepted before they commit to developing their software to offer this feature."

(I made that up) but come on. I mean, wouldn't that have been the #1 feature in Quark 5? That and bad handling of tables, now maybe there is a release worthy of a full number change... bad handling of tables by itself (oh, and bad web authoring) should have been Quark 4.5.

A kind word to Quark... download the InDesign demo and play with a few days... now, get your team together, take an afternoon to show them the demo, explain pdf and versatile importing and exporting options, show them the (ta-da) multiple undos and then promptly fire them.

Was that too harsh?

I know Quark. I'm fast in Quark. But come on guys? I'm quickly getting just as proficient in InDesign. Your base is getting fed up!

Has anyone explained to you guys how "layers" work? You call what Q5 has "layers"?

On the brighter side, I am sure that 95% of us just can't wait for that eagerly awaited improved XML engine. Thanks guys. :)
Quark is so slow in development I sincerely doubt the next upgrade will be 6.0. It's more likely that they'll follow their old pattern of updates they used with version 3 (3.22) and 4 (4.11), offering them at a reduced price. I don't expect to see version 6 for quite a number of years. Besides, XPress is too expensive for them to offer a full upgrade within a year of releasing 5.
What makes Quark's release of 5 even worse is that Macmall continues to deliver catalogs with "Built for Mac OS X" stamped on the advertisement for Quark.
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