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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 14, 2003
When I open my Style sheets dialog box, and then I go to save, Quark unexpectedly quits, anyone any help
noelmac75 said:
When I open my Style sheets dialog box, and then I go to save, Quark unexpectedly quits, anyone any help

Switch to InDesign. :D Canned answer I know, but trust me, life is soooo much easier with InD, than quark.

btw-it might be a font problem, try switching off certain fonts with your font management program (or removing certain fonts from either one of your .../Library/Fonts folders.)
macphisto's right. (on two accounts.) but assuming you're not going to run out and drop $1000 on InDesign, start with the possibility that it's a font thing -- Quark can get all screwy when fonts go bad.

restart your machine. if you're using ATM Deluxe: close all open fonts (except the ones in your system folder, but ATM won't let you close those anyway) and under ATM's preferences, turn off auto-enable. restart again.

open quark and try to recreate the problem -- if it doesn't happen, it's a font thing. now you get to try to figure out which font it is... fun, fun, fun. with auto-activation still off, activate half of your fonts via ATM. see if quark crashes. if no, turn off all fonts and activate the other half. see if quark crashes. when you figure out what half of the fonts has the bad font, turn off half of that half, and figure out which quarter of your fonts has the bad one. continue in that manner until you narrow it down to one. trash it and hope that solves the problem...
sonofslim said:
macphisto's right. (on two accounts.) but assuming you're not going to run out and drop $1000 on InDesign, start with the possibility that it's a font thing -- Quark can get all screwy when fonts go bad.

restart your machine. if you're using ATM Deluxe: close all open fonts (except the ones in your system folder, but ATM won't let you close those anyway) and under ATM's preferences, turn off auto-enable. restart again.

open quark and try to recreate the problem -- if it doesn't happen, it's a font thing. now you get to try to figure out which font it is... fun, fun, fun. with auto-activation still off, activate half of your fonts via ATM. see if quark crashes. if no, turn off all fonts and activate the other half. see if quark crashes. when you figure out what half of the fonts has the bad font, turn off half of that half, and figure out which quarter of your fonts has the bad one. continue in that manner until you narrow it down to one. trash it and hope that solves the problem...

Not that it matters, but InDesign is $699, ;) and if you are really interested in making the switch and were willing to work it a little, you might be able to fanagle a discounted price for upgrading from quark to InD.

macphisto said:
Not that it matters, but InDesign is $699, ;) and if you are really interested in making the switch and were willing to work it a little, you might be able to fanagle a discounted price for upgrading from quark to InD.


I dont have ATM Deluxe, i only have 4.6, I removed all the fonts from my system folder OS9 onto the hard drive and launched quark again and it still happened. I dont know how to turn the fonts off any other way
if you're only running ATM lite, and you've removed all fonts from your system folder (and restarted?) then it's time to look at non-font possibilities.

does this happen with all documents, or just a select few? it may be a corrupted document or custom stylesheet. if it's just a few docs, try importing their custom stylesheets into new documents one at a time to see if you can figure out which stylesheet is causing the crash.

however, if it happens when you create a new doc and immediately edit your stylesheets, then you're probably boned -- sounds like a software problem. you may need to reinstall quark. make sure to trash the application folder and any associated preferences first.
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