So, I have this screen saver displaying a particle system, whose x and y coordinates are derived from 'Random' type patches. The "Variability" setting is set to .5, so the patch is already outputting numbers that are closer to each-other, making the particle system move slower, then if the "variability" was set to 0 or 1. However, it still seems like it moves too fast.. Any other way of slowing it down, turn down the frequency maybe through some external patches?
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm running Tiger, so I'm obviously using QC v 2.1.1.
I've also tried to replicate the results of the "Random" patch by using the javascript patch, but without much luck..
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm running Tiger, so I'm obviously using QC v 2.1.1.
I've also tried to replicate the results of the "Random" patch by using the javascript patch, but without much luck..