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Westside guy

macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Hi all,

This is probably an odd question - but can anyone offer an idea for a case that would work for carrying my D70 SLR while I'm out rollerblading or biking? Ideally it'd have room for one extra lens, and maybe a filter dense pack.

It seems like it'd have to be some sort of small backpack or chest pack that's well padded.

The roller-blading part is more critical - for biking I can always pad out a pannier.



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
You didn't even bother replying to your thread about the Sinking Barge, so I'm assuming you're looking for something else now?

Get a Lowepro. I think their Slingshot (or whatever it's called) sounds cool.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
You didn't even bother replying to your thread about the Sinking Barge, so I'm assuming you're looking for something else now?

No - I got a lot of conflicting advice (quite a bit away from the forum, and a lot of it is first-hand which is really confusing), so I felt like I needed to check it out myself before I "resolve" that other thread. There's a Seattle shop that carries both the Sinking Barge and the Customary Barge - my intention is to take my equipment (laptop + camera) there and try them both out. I've been off this past week, so I haven't been into Seattle since I started that other thread.

However I'll post as much to that other thread - sorry to have left you hanging.

But, to answer your question. This is for a different purpose - basically just for walking around with my camera, or when I'm out on one of our local "urban" trails. Also these are significantly cheaper than the backpacks, so I can probably buy something (assuming I like it) sooner rather than later.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
The Tamrac Velocity series and the Lowepro Slingshot series seem quite similar in how they work (in a good way). The Velocity looks a bit more compact, but the Slingshot comes with a rain cover which is nice.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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Well, the Slingshot I suggested is much cheaper than the Sinking Barge, CompuRower, and Adventure 9 (the Lowepro and Tamron equivalents to Crumpler's Sinking Barge). Look at the Slingshot 100. I'm checking out a Slingshot 200 for myself.

The Sinking Barge is a good size, but not if you want to carry big lenses. I'd honestly look at buying a Customary Barge if I were you. I think I'm glad I have the Sinking Barge because it's so big and fat already, and I can't imagine carrying a Customary Barge since it's bigger. However, I can't always carry ALL the lenses I want, and if I ever bought a flash, I wouldn't have any more space for an extra lens! Right now, I can two decent sized lenses with me, plus my Nikon D50.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Well, the Slingshot I suggested is much cheaper than the Sinking Barge, CompuRower, and Adventure 9 (the Lowepro and Tamron equivalents to Crumpler's Sinking Barge). Look at the Slingshot 100. I'm checking out a Slingshot 200 for myself.

The Sinking Barge is a good size, but not if you want to carry big lenses. I'd honestly look at buying a Customary Barge if I were you. I think I'm glad I have the Sinking Barge because it's so big and fat already, and I can't imagine carrying a Customary Barge since it's bigger. However, I can't always carry ALL the lenses I want, and if I ever bought a flash, I wouldn't have any more space for an extra lens! Right now, I can two decent sized lenses with me, plus my Nikon D50.

I'm beginning to realize that, for camera bags/backpacks, going to a local shop where I can actually do some hands-on research is probably the way to go. Web/Mail order is certainly convenient; but if I have to add a trip to the post office for shipping a bag back that doesn't quite fit my gear, then that convenience factor (as well as any money savings) is pretty much gone.

But there's so much variety out there - it's very helpful to get ideas from other folks as a starting point. Thanks to both you and to Lovesong.

Oh, and I found out that Seattle camera shop (Glazer's) also carries the Tamrac and Lowepro bags you guys were mentioning, in addition to the Crumpler Barges.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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Well just to add to what I said before, the truth is that I really want both a Sinking Barge and Slingshot 200. I said the Sinking Barge is a big, fat bag, but it doesn't carry all the camera stuff I need because of the general compartment. In a way, that's actually OK.

I don't need a hardcore camera bag that fits 3 superzooms.....not if the Crumpler is for trips where I know I'll be shooting general things, buildings, etc, but not macro photography or other such things. However, I do need a bag that fits a Nikon D80 or D200/Fuji S5 Pro (in case I upgrade in the future to a bigger camera) with a lens on it, plus 3 additional lenses and a flash.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Well just to add to what I said before, the truth is that I really want both a Sinking Barge and Slingshot 200.

Yeah, I'm of a similar mind; although I think I'll be walking around lighter than you (of course I don't have your gear, so that's by default anyway). Right now I'd be happy having my 18-200 with me, and the wide-angle I am hoping to buy in the next month or so - which'll probably be the Sigma 10-20. I'd like to have the smaller bag for tooling around this summer. The backpack will be an eventual replacement for my Dreadful Embarrassment. I really like it, but leaves something to be desired when transporting a camera; plus it's no good for (day) hiking obviously. But the lens comes first :D ; and it'll be easier to swing $80 than $180 in the short term for a bag.

I really want to see what that Tamrac Velocity looks/feels like.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
I just checked out the Tamrac Velocity, and it looks like something I could never desire. It's essentially one of those mid-sized Lowepro shoulder bags that looks like a cube, except the strap has a "sling" design, which just means it holds the bag tighter to your body. Doesn't look like it can carry much, either. Hell, even my Sinking Barge has a "sling"-like design, so if I want a bag that doesn't carry a lot of photo gear, I may as well continue using my Sinking Barge. If you read my review of the Barge, that's the reason I bought it instead of the Lowepro or Tamrac. I never need to take my bag off to get my camera!

Also, my friend has the Tamrac Adventure 9, and my Sinking Barge is clearly of better quality than his bag, although he can carry more camera gear in his bag. Getting a Customary Barge would even things up even more, but still be of better quality than the Tamrac. That's why I'm sticking with Crumpler and Lowepro for now, and avoiding Tamrac. Crumpler may actually have the best quality of these 3 companies, from what I've seen. I'm comparing the width of the backpack, quality of the shoulder straps, quality of the other straps, the outer nylon material, etc. The Tamrac's shoulder straps are horrible (in comparison to my Barge), and the bag seems so narrow.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Original poster
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
Well, I finally got around to it, and ordered the Tamrac Velocity 8X (some people had complained the 7X's opening was a bit cramped when pulling a D70 out of it; plus down the road I know I'll upgrade to a D200 or equivalent). We'll see how I like it. I'll post my impressions once I've had a chance to use it a bit.

Thanks to you all for your help and advice.
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