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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 6, 2009
should you uninstall any apps on your phone before you jailbreak and then redownload them ? because facebook / aim and some other apps i had on before i jailbroke .. didnt work afterwards .. it would open then go right back to the home screen
When jailbreaking the best way to avoid any problems is to do a fresh restore on your phone, and then do the jailbreak, and make sure to set up the device as a new phone, don't restore from a backup.

ok so do the restore thru itunes .. setup as new phone .. then jailbreak .. then install apps
Yes, that will work just fine. Are you going to use Redsn0w?

purplera1n .. worked fine last night .. but didnt do the restore before hand .. so that was prolly what was causing the apps that i previously had one to not work right
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