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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 21, 2008
I've searched and searched and now i'm even more confused :p

i gave my little cousin my old 1st gen iphone. i figured i'd JB for him before i gave it up. I JB'd to 1.1.4. I followed the steps written in the FAQ in this site awhile back.

ok 1 month later, part of the screen is not working (not registering touches). so i'd like to take it to the apple store. so here's my question. i already did a DFU back to 1.1.4 but is there anything else i need to do? i'm very confused as to the part of the bootneuter because i've read you need to go and lock the the baseband back up? :confused:

the only thing i remembered in bootneuter before i had restored the phone was it said baseband "unlocked" and neuter "on" but i could be wrong. i can't recall ever hitting the flash button.

also i got the phone on the 1st day the iPhone 2g came out so i'm assuming the bootloader was already 3.9. Thanks!
AFAIK, if you DFU restored it correctly you will be fine. However, your iPhone most likely suffered from a fall and that's why the touchscreen doesn't work...
thanks for the quick response! :) i just did a simple DFU restore back to the original 1.1.4 firmware through iTunes. i did drop it once and it was probably 6 months ago? so i don't know if it was a backlash from that drop from so long ago. wasn't TOO high either (fell from pocket to floor). the part that it's having problems is near the 1st row of icons.

i do understand that it's past my 1 year warrenty but i'm hoping they will sell me an OEM refurb 1st gen for <$250 (i think i read it somewhere at that price). obviously i'm hoping free but i doubt that's happening :p i've been to the genius bar before and i've seen them run some diags so i just wanted to make sure everything was back to factory default.
thanks for the quick response! :)

Always glad to help!
i just did a simple DFU restore back to the original 1.1.4 firmware through iTunes.

Did you actually press the home and sleep buttons until the screen went black and itunes alerted you that it had discovered an iphone in recovery mode? I'm just making sure, If you did disregard this comment ;)

i did drop it once and it was probably 6 months ago? so i don't know if it was a backlash from that drop from so long ago. wasn't TOO high either (fell from pocket to floor). the part that it's having problems is near the 1st row of icons.

I don't think that fall is responsible, maybe your little cousin dropped it without you knowing?

i do understand that it's past my 1 year warrenty but i'm hoping they will sell me an OEM refurb 1st gen for <$250 (i think i read it somewhere at that price). obviously i'm hoping free but i doubt that's happening :p i've been to the genius bar before and i've seen them run some diags so i just wanted to make sure everything was back to factory default.

I hope you have luck! Although a cheap refurb should be pretty nice,
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