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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 27, 2009
Hey, I dont know if this would be the right place for this question I hope it is if not could a mod move it to the right place, but I was considering building a Hackintosh using the 2 Xeons I pulled from my Mac Pro when I upgraded it. Dual x5570s but lidless are what I have so I was a bit worried about using them in a Hackintosh build because of the fact they are lidless and the same 2-3mm that had to be adjusted for when using lidded processors would have to be adjusted for here due to the heat spreaders.

Thanks in advance for the help
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Should work for sure. Just make sure you compensate the for the missing lid when you install the CPU cooler. I guess that would mean taking some material off on the motherboard's CPU cooler mount.

Maybe you can get better input at

BTW: Click on Edit->Advanced in your original post to edit the thread title.
I was considering building a Hackintosh using the 2 Xeons I pulled from my Mac Pro when I upgraded it.
If I remember correctly, Tutor used the Xeon E5520 retired from his MP processor swap and built Windows/Hacktonish machine as mentioned in this thread. If you click the Geekbench link in his signature, you'll see the last item has the E5520 processor. So he is the guy you should consult with in this forum.
Someone on insanelymac suggested I place copper shims above my Xeons when installing, would this work? to ensure the heatsink makes contact with the xeon?
Someone on insanelymac suggested I place copper shims above my Xeons when installing, would this work? to ensure the heatsink makes contact with the xeon?

Should work, too. You just have to really make sure they're the correct thickness and use thermal compound/pads on both sides of them.
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