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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2011
US, just told you!
forgive me if this has already been asked but,

apple have said they will basically go through our iTunes libraries and replace music we've ripped from CD's.

but, not that I do this....

what about music we have downloaded from torrents etc. will apple be able to tell the difference? will they tell the music industry who has pirated music etc?

I would of thought apple would have some sort of deal with the music industry in place for this "problem"
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Those people are identified by Apple their details passed onto the CIA and subsequently investigated by your local copyright infringement authority. Except if you are from Canada, The Netherlands, Spain or Panama. Some of these copyright infringement authorities are already in talks with Apple to develop technology to instantly wipe your hard drive on the discovery of pirated music as sanction by Article 61 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
Those people are identified by Apple their details passed onto the CIA and subsequently investigated by your local copyright infringement authority. Except if you are from Canada, The Netherlands, Spain or Panama. Some of these copyright infringement authorities are already in talks with Apple to develop technology to instantly wipe your hard drive on the discovery of pirated music as sanction by Article 61 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.

is this for real?
I wouldn't connect your computer to the internet if I were you...they are watching....did you sign the Apple itunes user agreement without reading it?
OK, I'll be the guy who answers this seriously. You know, Mr. No-Fun.

I suppose that there is some way in this that Apple could figure out which songs you got were not obtained in the most, well, official of manners. But it's not in their best interest to do so. If it gets out there that iTunes Match is snitching to the RIAA, the service is dead. No one would pay for that.

But I think there's another reason why that won't happen. I think what Apple finally got the RIAA to understand is that maybe it's best to take a little money instead of nothing. That is, either they allow the re-download of those songs, and get at least a bit of royalty money, or they don't, and people just keep listening to the MP3's they downloaded off Limewire for free. Somehow, Apple got through to them on this point.

So I think that that's built into iTunes Match: it's a way for the recording industry to recover at least a bit of cash you didn't give them when you decided to download that Slim Whitman box set rather than buy it. Which is why I do not believe they'll try to use it to find illegal downloads: that kills this whole thing for them.
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