No, and I'm not going to. There is nothing I need to do with my iPad that would require a jailbreak.
I jailbroke my last iPhone -- a 3G -- and got dodgy performance and network connectivity that never quite went away altogether after several complete restorations. That experience turned me off of jailbreaking.
I did with 3.2. I did it about 2 days before 3.2.1 and i loved it. I could multitask and had an app manager set up that worked exactly like 4.0. When 3.2.1 gets jailbroken I'll be all over it again. I solely used it to multitask.
For a day out of curiosity. Went back to standard right after. I didn't like the multitasking implemented and there weren't any apps I really needed from the jb...
Yes. I like the JB nultitasking and folders implementation better than how they are done on iOS4 (which I have on my touch). It's also useful being able to backup and restore app data one by one, instead of Apple's "all or nothing" approach.