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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 15, 2008
New York
Hi i want to buy my very first iphone and it will be the new 3G iphone,so i have some question about it.
1) If i buy the iphone 3G can i jailbreak it?
2) If yes what tool i have to use to jailbreak the iphone?
3) If can jailbreak it can some one giv me some instruction what i have to install to work my iphone around the world and with any sim cart?
PS: I all ready have an ipod 32GB and i have jailbreak it with the zibri tool 2,6 and i am running on Windows XP home edition

No... no one can be any more accurate than Skil has already been. Do you understand the concept of an unreleased product? None of us have 3G iPhones. The people who make the jailbreaking software also do not have 3G iPhones. None of us know for sure what will happen until they actually become available in July. What do we expect? We expect the hackers will stay ahead of Apple as they have so far and that one will be able to jailbreak, activate, unlock iPhones using hacking software. We're not sure. It's technically possible Apple will release something so sophisticated no one will be able to crack it. Unlikely, but possible.

But how can any of us know for sure? None of us have this new phone yet.
Hi i want to buy my very first iphone and it will be the new 3G iphone,so i have some question about it.
1) If i buy the iphone 3G can i jailbreak it?
2) If yes what tool i have to use to jailbreak the iphone?
3) If can jailbreak it can some one giv me some instruction what i have to install to work my iphone around the world and with any sim cart?
PS: I all ready have an ipod 32GB and i have jailbreak it with the zibri tool 2,6 and i am running on Windows XP home edition


1) No. You cannot. Only after ver 2.0 software has been released can any work start on "breaking and unlocking";
2) None available. See 1)
3) See 1) & 2)

Ok guys thanks for ur help, i got the messqage ,so the only think i have to do is dont buy yet the iphone 3G and i have to wait till some one find an way to jailbreak or hack the 3G iphone
The beta software was unlocked already so I doubt you will have to wait much past a day for it to be unlocked unless Apple totally switched it up for the final.
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