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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 8, 2006
San Jose, CA
I have a Canon Powershot digital camera that has worked flawlessly with the iMac since I purchased it (the computer, that is - the camera I've had for a while). My parents, who live out of state, have a different model Canon digital camera, but it's still very new.

When they email me pictures (always .jpg's, BTW), I can see them using the mail program. Importing them into iPhoto doesn't seem to work, though. What *does* work to get them into iPhoto is to click on "Slideshow" in the Mail program, view the single picture, and then click on "Add to iPhoto."

Miraculously, it appears in iPhoto. HOWEVER....I'm not able to see the picture in an iPhoto slideshow, nor am I allowed to do any kind of editing/enhancing to the photo. When I double-click on the picture, all I get is a grey screen with a white "!" (not the whole screen - nothing is crashing or's just where the picture *should* be).

Any thoughts? It seems so unlikely that this would be happening - Canon is a big brand name, my camera works fine with the new Mac, the photos are JPGs, etc.

Thanks so much, in advance, for your help.

Ok, when you are in the Mail program and you get an email with pics in it, the pictures show up fine in the email. Great.

So when you are looking at that email it should save "Save" and "Slideshow" at the top. Click and hold the "Save" button and it should give you a small menu that says import into iPhoto. That is what I do and it puts the file into iPhoto perfectly fine.

Try that and see if iPhoto acts the same way. If it does act stupid still then let me know and we'll conjure up a new solution.
First, I removed the pictures that I had imported previously, but couldn't edit.

Next, I did as you said - clicked "Save" in the Mail program, and saved the .jpg to a particular roll in my iPhoto Library.

Upon opening iPhoto, the thumbnail image did not appear in that roll.

I went to the Finder to ensure that the file had saved to the correct location - it had.

I think clicked (in iPhoto), "File" --> "Import to Library" and selected the file from there.

After selecting the file, I got the message, "Unreadable Files: 1 <break> The following file(s) could not be imported. (The file is in the iPhoto library folder) <break> (and then the filename and extension where it is located)

Soooo....that's that. In mail, instead of clicking "Save", if I click "Slideshow" and then use the "Import" option in the slideshow, the thumbnail image *will* show up in iPhoto. It just won't let me view the picture in an actual slideshow, nor will it allow me to do any sort of editing.

Thanks for your help.
Perfusion said:
Next, I did as you said - clicked "Save" in the Mail program, and saved the .jpg to a particular roll in my iPhoto Library.
Ok, read my post again, that is not what I told you to do.

You must click and HOLD the save button and a small menu drops down. In that menu it will say "Import to iPhoto". Although it sounds like something is up with these particular photos, so I don't know what will happen.
GimmeSlack12 said:
Ok, read my post again, that is not what I told you to do.

You must click and HOLD the save button and a small menu drops down. In that menu it will say "Import to iPhoto". Although it sounds like something is up with these particular photos, so I don't know what will happen.
You're exactly right - I didn't do that! My mistake!!! I tried it (the correct way, this time), and it worked *flawlessly*.

Thanks so much for your assistance...I'm not sure what was originally up, but it works fine now.
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