I've had an iPhone for about two months now, and when 3.0 was released, I didn't really have much that I was interested in keeping, so I didn't back it up and set it up as a new phone when I upgraded. As soon as I had done this I jailbroke it immediately.
Now that I've got a whole load of stuff on my phone that I want to keep, what is the best way to go about upgrading official firmware and jailbreaking it?
Is it possible to back up the phone, restore or upgrade, then set up as new phone, jailbreak, and then restore from the back up? Or will I be forced to restore from the backup before I jailbreak it?
From what I have read, the phone will be less likely to run into issues if I don't restore to back up, and obviously I want to get the best performance out of my phone.
It just seems like a lot of hassle to maybe have to start right from scratch when it's just an incremental firmware upgrade that might just fix a bug or two as opposed to a full blown release with a lot of new features.
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom on the subject.
Now that I've got a whole load of stuff on my phone that I want to keep, what is the best way to go about upgrading official firmware and jailbreaking it?
Is it possible to back up the phone, restore or upgrade, then set up as new phone, jailbreak, and then restore from the back up? Or will I be forced to restore from the backup before I jailbreak it?
From what I have read, the phone will be less likely to run into issues if I don't restore to back up, and obviously I want to get the best performance out of my phone.
It just seems like a lot of hassle to maybe have to start right from scratch when it's just an incremental firmware upgrade that might just fix a bug or two as opposed to a full blown release with a lot of new features.
Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom on the subject.