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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
I just got my iPhone 3GS 32 gb, and I'm thinking of jailbreaking it but I have a few questions. Will AT&T find out that my iPhone is jailbroken and a) Cancel my service b) charge me c) cancel my phone? Also are there any other cons of jailbreaking that I should be aware of? Can I connect my phone to itunes to put songs on it? If not how could I go about doing that? Can my phone be bricked as well?
AT&T wont be able to figure out you have a jailbroken phone, unless you tell them. If they somehow find out, they won't cancel anything.Just be aware that according to Apple you can crash cell towers and support drug dealers by JBing your phone
In addition to crashing cell towers and supporting drug dealers you will also be put on the top of the most watched list with the FBI because you will become a person of interest. The FBI would be most interested in seeing just who doesn't accept the norm, which in this case is a very expensive phone that is lacking some of the most basic features.

I think you're also considered to be a supporter of the mob, the one in Chicago not the fake one in New York, if you do it.


*emphasis added to denote sarcastic tone*
In addition to crashing cell towers and supporting drug dealers you will also be put on the top of the most watched list with the FBI because you will become a person of interest. The FBI would be most interested in seeing just who doesn't accept the norm, which in this case is a very expensive phone that is lacking some of the most basic features.

I think you're also considered to be a supporter of the mob, the one in Chicago not the fake one in New York, if you do it.


FYI OP, jessica was being sarcastic. I was given a hard time once, since I didn't put a sarcastic smiley after one of my posts (however, I think the best sarcasm is when you don't, but whatever). :)
So they cant charge me extra, or anything? What about putting songs on it through itunes. And what about it being bricked?
So they cant charge me extra, or anything? What about putting songs on it through itunes. And what about it being bricked?

It won't get bricked unless you do something really stupid like unplug your phone while jailbreaking or something. They won't charge you anything extra because you aren't doing any harm to AT&T. Syncing through iTunes works just as it normally would. The only difference is that all your jailbroken apps won't be synced to iTunes. All your regular apps will be synced. When you do a restore, you will be back to the normal non-jailbroken state with all your non-jailbroken apps.
Also whats the best program to jailbreak? Is it redsn0w?

It's personal preference but if you're not very technical, I'd go with purplera1n. You click one button and it does the rest for you. That's what I used, even though I am very technical (just lazy), and I have had no problems ever since.

Here's a tutorial
Thanks everyone! My iphone is not being jailbroken. Do you recommend any apps for me to download?
Thanks everyone! My iphone is not being jailbroken. Do you recommend any apps for me to download?

My 2 favorites are Backgrounder and iRealQuickSMS. Backgrounder lets your run apps in the background, which is great because I love to have Pandora running constantly. iRealQuickSMS is not free (~$7), but is really worth it for someone who does a lot of texting. You can respond/compose texts from your lock screen or while in any other app. Look through the iPhone Hacks forum, there are quite a few threads that are titled something along the lines of "Must Have Cydia Apps." You will get plenty (most likely too many) ideas of things you want to do.

Another suggestions from personal experience is to gradually install these apps. When I first JB my phone, I went and installed tons of things. Next thing I know I'm getting TERRIBLE battery life and it was impossible to find the culprit. Install 1-2 things a day until you have everything you want, because that way if your phone gets bad battery life or acts funny, then it's easy to pinpoint the app that is causing it and you can just uninstall it. Good luck!
You can take advantage of so much more through your phone if you jailbreak. If you somehow mess up you can always restore it back to new using DFU mode.
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