im getting a macbook pro very soon, im just wondeirng is there a fast easy way to transefer files, such as music and movies to my mbp from my iMac? i herd you can use bonjour? but im not sure how to or even if it is possible?
Migration Assistant. It comes with your Mac, and you'll be asked during the setup if you want to move files from an old mac. Say yes, and bam it does it. You'll need a firewire cable, but other than that its completely painless and transparent.
Migration Assistant. It comes with your Mac, and you'll be asked during the setup if you want to move files from an old mac. Say yes, and bam it does it. You'll need a firewire cable, but other than that its completely painless and transparent.
Beat me to it. Yup...I remember this during the setup of my mac. Unfortunately this is my first mac so I didn't have another one previously to transfer from.