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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 29, 2005
New Jersey
i have a digital rebel xt and was just wondering, my unlce has all of these old lens that he used to shoot with a regular Slr camera, can anyone tell me if these lense will fit my camera? and yes they are canon lens. im very curious about this


macrumors 6502a
Jan 19, 2005
How old is old? If they are Canon auto focus EF lenses, then yes. If they are Canon manual focus FD or FL lenses, then no.


macrumors 68000
May 26, 2006
Rickay726 said:
i have a digital rebel xt and was just wondering, my unlce has all of these old lens that he used to shoot with a regular Slr camera, can anyone tell me if these lense will fit my camera? and yes they are canon lens. im very curious about this

The fact that they're Canon doesn't really matter nowadays, what matters is whether or not they are autofocus EF type lenses.

If not, you can forget it.

If they are EF type autofocus lenses you're ok.

Canon changed their lens mount, making all their manual focus lenses totally incompatible with their modern cameras. Even the adapters cannot achieve infinity focus with them unless you get one with additional lens elements in it, which degrades the image quality severely.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Rickay726 said:
i have a digital rebel xt and was just wondering, my unlce has all of these old lens that he used to shoot with a regular Slr camera, can anyone tell me if these lense will fit my camera? and yes they are canon lens. im very curious about this

You may have heard that older manual focus SLR lenses can be used on new DSLRs. This is true if the brand is Nikon or Pentax. Canon changed their lens mount when they moved from manual to auto focus. Only the newer autofocus lenses will work on the DSLR. These are easy to identify because they have electronic contacts on the lens mount. The older ones were purly mechanical.


macrumors regular
Aug 7, 2006
Washington, DC
Rickay726 said:
im preety sure there FD lens :mad: :mad: :( :(

There is/was an adapter available to convert the older FD mount to the EF mount but they are not worth the trouble IMHO.

I haven't seen an adapter in a while. Canon came out with the EF lenses in 1986(?), so they are probably rare today.
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