I am a student and I am planning to purchase a MacBook Pro. I ordered a MacBook but cancelled at the last minute (they offered $100 off, but still refused) because I recently got a job which would allow me to purchase a more expensive / better performing laptop. My question to you all is, is it worth it to purchase the 2.16Ghz MacBook Pro compared to the 2.0 MacBook Pro? The difference is (all in Canadian figures) 0.16Ghz, +20GB HDD, 256MB V Ram. The price difference is $1999 compared to $2599 for the 2.16. Do you think it is worth $600 more? + taxes of course! This is with the education discount. Right now it is 14% tax in Ontario. (lowered this Canada Day by 1%). As well, should i wait 'till the end of the summer (late Aug, early Sept) or should I purchase as soon as I get the money for the MBP. Your thoughts please.