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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Hello :)

I'm getting a 4S tommorow, as I recently broke my iPhone 4. The cost of claiming on the insurance for my iPhone 4 was a bit less than upgrading to the 4S so why the hell not!

Anyway, the last backup that was made of my iPhone 4 still resides on my iMac... will I be able to get all my data, app data, contacts etc onto the 4S? Or does a backup have to include what OS was on the phone at the time? Just wondering whether all the data from iOS4 will make its way into iOS5... if not that would be rather annoying!

Thanks all!
Been working with iOS 5 since first beta. I strongly advise against doing so, but it is possible for you to do it. It has more often than not brought more trouble than it is worth.

I would recommend that you restore it from your backup, load your contacts, notes, etc to iCloud, then restore as new.
All of ur contacts, info, etc from ur last backup will be added to ur new phone if u restore from backup. Tho I would recommend once u have restored from backup, going to ur settings, to general, to reset and hitting "reset all settings". I recommend doing this because anytime u restore from a back up there will be some invisible residual junk left over from all of ur previous syncs that will hinder ur phone performance. This is ESP true when restoring onto a new iOS. Reset all settings will get rid of that. I'm not sure exactly how or why but it works!!!! Be warned tho, once u do this ur phone will reboot and will act as if it were a new phone or fresh install, making u go thru the whole set up process. But all of ur info will still be there so don't be alarmed. All of ur contacts, ringtones, pics, etc. Just go thru the process and once ur done u will have to reset ur background, brightness, and change ur ringtones back to whatever u set em at before. But nothing too difficult. If u have any contacts that have personalized ringtones or pics or whatever, that will all still be there. I know doing this may seem redundant, but I've found it to be very effective and kinda necessary after restoring an iDevice.
Yes it will work just fine. I've been restoring from back for each subsequent iPhone model since the original one and in most cases from different OS versions. Some apps may not work under the new OS until they are updated and may not sync until they are but that's about it. All texts, contacts game data etc. will be transferred over. I've never had any problems with this.
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