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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 29, 2010
Just a couple of days ago connected my MacBook Air to my Apple Cinema Display and the wireless Apple trackpad and keyboard that came with my iMac 7 years ago. Everything works ... but ... every time I disconnect the Air and move to a different room and use only the built in touchpad on the Air, I lose some of the settings for the trackpad and keyboard, once I return the Air to my desk connected to my display and using the wireless keyboard and touchpad.

The two things that I have noticed that change every time I return the Air from a different room back to my desk are:

1. Touchpad - the drag and drop setting always goes back to unchecked
2. Keyboard - the ability for the delete key to delete fast not just one character at a time.

When I do move the Air to a different room to use as a stand alone, I DO NOT disconnect the touchpad and keyboard on the Bluetooth connection. Should I?


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2014
Salt Lake City, UT
The two devices are considered separate peripherals. The machine is seeing the device switch and is reverting settings. If you have to continually reset the settings with EACH transition then you will likely need to reinstall your OS.
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