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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 9, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
Well I order an iMac on the 9th, and it was suppose to be delivered yesterday. But guess what it wasn't. Also I doubt it's being delivered today/tonight either. It's being delivered by Sameday Right O Way. I have heard mixed things about them. I'm just curious if anyone has had any experience with them. If so was it bad? Good?

The wait is killing me.

Thanks a ton.

- Matt
I'm also currently having problems with Same Day... my Mac Pro shipped on the 16th and on Same Day's tracking site it says it should have been delivered on the 24th, 3 busniess days later and still no Mac Pro. I'm not overly worried though, i just think they under estimated the delivery time.

I emailed Same Day and they said something to the effect of receiving numerous packages in error, blah blah blah... didn't make a whole lot of sence.

So i followed up with a call to Apple. They told me that my Mac Pro was on the way and that the shipping time would take between 8-12 busniess days, not the 5-6 days Same Day thought :rolleyes:.
Ah, alright. Well it's been 13 days since the shipping date for me.

I just checked the tracking shipment page, and it says

"Closed: Monday, August 28, 2006 03:25 pm
Please contact your Local Service Centre for assistance."

That's under the section called exceptions. Should I call or email since I can't find a number?

Thanks for the reply.
wow, now i'm a little scared... i'd definitely send them an email and get to the bottom of it. Here's the email they sent me in full:

This shipment has not arrived at one of our terminals yet. A bunch of orders
were released into our tracking system early in error. Your shipment is
included in those early releases. When your shipment arrives to one of our
terminals, the system will be updated and will give you an ETA for delivery.
I apologize for the inconvenience and delay with this shipment.

Thank you
Customer Service Agent

There was another user who sent me a pm in regards to the shipment service. I don't know how their shipment turned out after. Hopefully this is not a serious problem.

Edit: on another note, my Mac Pro was supposed to ship on the 15th. However, Apple said on the 15th that it would be delayed until the 24th. The following day Apple claimed that the computer was shipped. Also Same Day is saying they received it on the 17th. I guess it could be possible that this is one big screw up and the computer didn't even ship until the 24th. I really have no idea but just thinking about it now I'm getting pretty pissed :mad:
Sorry to scare you now. I'll email them now, and see what's going on.

I'll post the response when I get one.

Also do I just write my shipment number in the email?
stevo86 said:
they lack any phone service which is pretty weird, but i must admit they were promt on their email response.

Yeah, I found that really weird. So where do I put my shipment number in the email? Stupid question, I know.
i'm in canada too. they always deliver, albeit a bit slow so hang in there. i would call apple to complain that they should use a more reliable service though.
Alright, how slow are we talking about? A few days or a week? I probably will when I finally get my iMac.

Thanks for responding. I just wanted to see if anyone had problems or slow service with them.
Reminds me of when I got my mac mini and the guy turned up with only the applecare and gran signed for the applecare and computer. Lucky they believed that I didn't get the computer.
viccles said:
Reminds me of when I got my mac mini and the guy turned up with only the applecare and gran signed for the applecare and computer. Lucky they believed that I didn't get the computer.

That's crazy. Was it the same company that's delivering mine?
Searching in the phone book produced this toll free number for Same Day - 1-888-999-4104. You really should give them a call. It seems that despite what apple told me, my Mac Pro didn't ship until the 24th :(... Same Day didn't receive it until the 27th, and they can't track it unless it's in Canada, so assuming it was shipped from apple on the 24th seems reasonable.

You should really give them a call, they told me that it was a 6 day shipping time and that it should be here by Friday, if not then Monday. So this is like 14 days for your iMac, something's fishy. Probably a late ship from apple as well.
Yeah, I just called, and they said they were here Monday. Funny thing was I had Monday, and Tuesday off of work. Guess what? They didn't come by at all. I'm really not liking Same Day at all. They said they would drop it off tomorrow. If they don't I'm going to Mississauga to get it.

Is there anyway when I order something from Apple I can get them to use UPS? Or some other delivery company?

Same Day is horrible.
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