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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 10, 2007

I successfully jailbroke my 2G iPhone using quickpwn (mac) on firmware 2.2.1. My question is, is it now unlocked or is there a step I missed? There are no options to unlock using quickpwn, I thought maybe it does it automatically but wasn't sure.

It has been unlocked for months. You need to choose "I am not an AT&T customer." in the firmware process.

This wasn't an option using quickpwn. Do I have to use pwnage tool, or is it automatically unlocked when using quickpwn?
QuickPwn automatically unlocked my iPhone. However, it for some reason did not unlock my mom's iPhone (and PwnageTool was not initially working for hers either). I ended up having to use QuickPwn on it, putting it in DFU mode, and restoring to custom firmware made from PwnageTool after it had already been QuickPwned.
QuickPwn automatically unlocked my iPhone. However, it for some reason did not unlock my mom's iPhone (and PwnageTool was not initially working for hers either). I ended up having to use QuickPwn on it, putting it in DFU mode, and restoring to custom firmware made from PwnageTool after it had already been QuickPwned.

Thanks much. How can you tell if it's unlocked or not without popping in another sim?
My experience was that QuickPwn would only unlock a phone if it was currently unactivated. I had to restore mine via DFU mode then run QuickPwn without activating the phone first.

It's only a guess, but QuickPwn did not seem able to over-write existing activation records belonging to the legit carrier.
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