I've read through the various threads about how to upgrade a 2009 Mac Pro first to the 2010 firmware and then upgrade the CPU. I have a followup question or two.
I see that many people upgrade the RAM to the 1333 MHZ DDR3 variety. Is this mandatory? I have 12 GB of 1066 MHZ DDR3 which I'd rather keep if I can. If it is usable, is there a big performance hit associated with not upgrading?
I've also seen mentioned that you have to make some sort of fan mod since the Mac Pro 2010 CPU's are a little different than the 2009 models. Is this only for the dual socket 2009 Mac Pros? I have a single socket quad and I don't think it is an issue but I just want to make sure.
I have a Geforce 120 GPU. With the 2010 firmware, will it allow the streaming of audio over the mini-display port using an HDMI adapter? I've seen confirmations for the ATI 5770 GPU but not the one I have.
Thanks in advance!
I see that many people upgrade the RAM to the 1333 MHZ DDR3 variety. Is this mandatory? I have 12 GB of 1066 MHZ DDR3 which I'd rather keep if I can. If it is usable, is there a big performance hit associated with not upgrading?
I've also seen mentioned that you have to make some sort of fan mod since the Mac Pro 2010 CPU's are a little different than the 2009 models. Is this only for the dual socket 2009 Mac Pros? I have a single socket quad and I don't think it is an issue but I just want to make sure.
I have a Geforce 120 GPU. With the 2010 firmware, will it allow the streaming of audio over the mini-display port using an HDMI adapter? I've seen confirmations for the ATI 5770 GPU but not the one I have.
Thanks in advance!