What will you then recommend just to highlight C-code (syntax highlighting)?
It's the only thing, I'm missing except from gcc, but isn't it already installed?
Regarding your C classes I think you wont need any sophisticated library or frameworks at the beginning.
The easyiest way is still:
1) install xcode (with defaults). Xcode is available for download from Apple and it usually also ships on their install DVD - the late 2006 imac I have here has it on the DVD - cant remember if #1 or #2 though.
2) make a folder in your home directory, use Terminal.app to go there
3) launch XCode, click New Empty File
4) enter something like
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
5) save it as test0001.c into this new folder - and voila, syntax highlighting will be turned on
6) in the Terminal window you can compile test0001.c with
gcc -Wall test0001.c -o test0001
and run it with
You dont need to buy or download any other software (syntax highlighting supporting text editor etc) and this way you can stick closely to a basic C class.