From these data it is not clear to me wy the GT130 is faster, alle specs except the amount of memory is better on the 8800GS !!!!! Can an expert in video cart explans this to me
8800GS GT130
core clock 550 500 MHz
shader clock 1375 1250 MHz
memory clock 800 500 MHz
memory amount 384 512 MB
memory interface 192 192 bits
memory bandwidth 38.4 24 GB/s.
texture fill rate 26.4 12 billion/s.
8800GS GT130
core clock 550 500 MHz
shader clock 1375 1250 MHz
memory clock 800 500 MHz
memory amount 384 512 MB
memory interface 192 192 bits
memory bandwidth 38.4 24 GB/s.
texture fill rate 26.4 12 billion/s.