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macrumors newbie
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Jun 1, 2009
I'm thinking of buying a 100% sim free factory unlocked iphone. If I jailbreak the phone and then subsequently do a apple software update when version 3.0 comes out, will the jailbreaking of the phone brick the sim free iphone up or will the new software simply over write the jailbreak software and I will be left with an unjailbroken updated apple iphone with the 3.0 software?

Really wanna clarify the above before I go ahead and buy the phone- don't want it to turn into a brick!

If you update the phone it will be unjailbroken but still unlocked as its a factory unlocked iPhone. You will lose all of you jailbroken apps too as far as I know.
Paying all the extra for a "sim free" phone you would be better to wait, then update to 3.0 and when the Dev team announce a JB readily available for 3.0 do it then if you still want to.

A lot of the reasons why people JB will be taken away by 3.0 so you may then decide it is not worth it but if you still want themes etc you could do it then.

I only JB for slingbox over 3g but now I have I have added some themes and other bits. Once I have the new phone I will only JB if I cant get slingbox on

I dunno why people even need to bother jailbreaking anymore? So much hassle and worry for maybe 2-3 useful jailbroken apps, and mostly tacky themes.
How about,

Skype over 3g

Slingbox over 3g

Tethering ?

For me making a lot of Private international calls the skype is worth it alone !

I think jailbreaking is a personal opinion and others should not be concerned if someone wants to jailbreak or not. I personally use a variety of 3rd party apps that you cannot get on a stock iPhone so I almost require it to be jailbroken.

Other people might now, so like you say they have no reason to do it.
I think one of the main reasons could be just to unlock the phone to work on any sim card.

A factory unlocked phone is pretty expensive though and if you only want it because its unlocked i'd just get a 2.2 iphone and use yellowsn0w. The cost is far too much just for an unlock.
as others have stated, jailbreaking your unlocked phone (the irony of that:) )
will become un-jail broken once 3.0 hits. The dev team will release a jailbreak via quickpwn or winpwn shortly after the release..maybe a week after...

I jailbreak because there are some nice apps that i use. I also love theming my phone, as i get bored with themes quickly, and the ability to make your own icons and such is very appealing.

I do have a question, which may be stupid. For the unlocked phone, you still have to pay for the data plan, right? the $30 data, plus phone usage and texts and such? You just are month to month?
as others have stated, jailbreaking your unlocked phone (the irony of that:) )
will become un-jail broken once 3.0 hits. The dev team will release a jailbreak via quickpwn or winpwn shortly after the release..maybe a week after...

I jailbreak because there are some nice apps that i use. I also love theming my phone, as i get bored with themes quickly, and the ability to make your own icons and such is very appealing.

I do have a question, which may be stupid. For the unlocked phone, you still have to pay for the data plan, right? the $30 data, plus phone usage and texts and such? You just are month to month?

not a dumb question if you dont know the answer. Nonetheless, if you previously had a data plan, it will still exist. If you dont and DO NOT want one, you can block the APN very easily and you wont be charged for data. Someone might want to add on to this if they know more than I do, but I'm pretty sure those are the only solutions. I think breaking a contract w/ ATT is around $200, not sure of that though since I dont do data plans.

good luck
I dunno why people even need to bother jailbreaking anymore? So much hassle and worry for maybe 2-3 useful jailbroken apps, and mostly tacky themes.

This is your Opinion. I have had no hassle with my jailbreak and I am using a beautiful theme right now, all a Jailbreak does is add functionality to the iPod/iPhone

@OP, DFU mode will always be possible, so a brick is impossible
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