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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2008
Sorry if this has been discussed before but I searched and couldn't find it.

I got a 3GS and am a little confused on JailBreaking it. I know the dev team initially said you need to get those ibs files so that it is breakable for life. Then they release redsn0w and the 3GS is now breakable without having to get those files.

Question is, before I do anything, should I do a restore and a restore under dfu and get and store those files or is the 3gs pwned for life and I don't need to anything new?

Thanks in advance.
It is not hackable for life. Apple could come out with an update at anytime and break it. Get the ibec and ibss files. It can not hurt and is fairly simple to do. After that, just jailbreak how you normally would.
Follow the DevTeam's advice and capture both the iBEC and iBSS files as described here:

The reason is that you will need them when Apple updates the firmware and no longer "signs" the old.

Read the DevTeam blog; it was explained in detail there:

Is this just for unlocking or for jailbreaking? This is the first time I've ever seen anything about this.
I got a 3GS and am a little confused on JailBreaking it. I know the dev team initially said you need to get those ibs files so that it is breakable for life. Then they release redsn0w and the 3GS is now breakable without having to get those files.

Those files are for JBing 3.1, and maybe 3.01, not for 3.0.
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