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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 29, 2009
Hello everyone, I have a quick question:

My wife and I are moving to France in August for her to start a two-year post-doctoral appointment. My boss, in his infinite generosity, has offered to hand over my work iPhone as a going away present.

I was curious if anyone knew of any difficulties with jailbreaking an AT&T iPhone and using it on a foreign carrier's service? Further, if anyone knows of any issues with doing this on a French carrier?

Anyhow, thanks in advance for any help!
Also, if I may tag along, which sim card/data plan (prepaid or pay-as-you-go) is suggested?
Also, if I may tag along, which sim card/data plan (prepaid or pay-as-you-go) is suggested?

Holy cow, I work with a khanlon, and I thought he was sabotaging my thread for a second! :D
You should not have any problem once the phone is jailbroken and unlocked.
You did not say wheather you had a 2G or 3G, so it will depend.

@G you will not have any problems. Just goto

pick you path to unlock your iphone. I have used my unlocked iphone although in canada on prepaid no issues since iphone is quad band. My cousin has went to london with his and did not have any issues either. You will have to set up the data connections if you want that. you will have to search for tht info.

If you have a 3G (which I don't have yet), but from doing research you may need to have a specific baseband to unlock. the "3G fuzzy baseband downgrader" is the superior app out there at this time but that is as much as I know.
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