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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 18, 2008
Hi, I see how alot of people say Beejive is a great app and well worth the $$$. I don't IM alot but after hearing how good Beejive is I am considering purchasing it. When I do IM though I use aol instant messenger ( aim ) which I see listed as a free app. Why would I need to have Beejive if AIM is free? I know I am missing something so if someone can explain it to me I would appreciate it! Thanks.
Difference is when you close beejive, it will send you a text message (if you set it up right) or push email stating you have new messages, and you should open beejive. Beejive will keep you logged in for 24 hours also if you want it to. These can be set in your general preferences.

Beejive > all
Have you already used the free aim app? If not first thing you should is download that and see how you like it. If you feel it suits your needs then no reason to purchase Beejive.

Beejive is definitely > all messenger apps though.

In addition to keeping your logged in you can also get instant/near instant email notifications when you're away and receive a message, great interface, stability, etc..

You can compare the two in itunes and pretty much sum up the differences
thanks for the replies, I see how it supports different IM clients. Can I be signed on to multiple clients at the same time using beejive? thanks
As I have said elsewhere I have tried every other IM app for the phone as they came out. I was psyched to use AIM when it came out, but after two days I found it simply not capable of being a replacement for my desktop IM'ing, and if you don't know, trying to im from multiple locations is fraught with all kinds of issues.

Not until Beejive came along did I find a real solution that allows my iphone to be my main IM device. I don't run IM on anything else now, and I use it with icq, mobileme, googletalk, msn at the same time.

It works, and it works well. If you actually want to be able to use IM on your iphone as IM is intended to be used, then Beejive is the only current choice. Otherwise the other apps are novelties that are fun to play with but not actually useful for fully functioning instant messaging.
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