Hi all,
First of all I'd like to say I do not have a tech background so I apologize if there's something obvious I don't understand.
I recently broke my jailbroken iPhone 6+ and am preparing to send it back in to be replaced by the insurer. I can not do anything on the phone, but it does turn on and I've been able to restore it back to factory settings, unjailbreaking it and updating it to whatever the most recent firmware is.
My concern is that I am paranoid and do not want any data (including files that were previously deleted) recoverable by anyone. I do not know if insurance companies fix these and then resell them or what, but I want to make sure nothing is recoverable.
It is my understanding that iPhone data is encrypted, and when the iPhone is restored, the encryption key is destroyed and even if the data were recovered, it would be unreadable because it would be unable to be decrypted. Is this correct? Does this include deleted files (pictures, documents messages?)
I have tried overwriting all the free space but it is difficult because the phone is unusable and my computer only allows me to sync directly after a restore. I can usually fill 70 of the 128gb up before my computer freezes and I have to restore again and start over.
Anyway I was just wondering if I should have any concerns about anything being able to be recovered, even if I'm unable to overwrite all of the free space.
Thank you so much for your time!
First of all I'd like to say I do not have a tech background so I apologize if there's something obvious I don't understand.
I recently broke my jailbroken iPhone 6+ and am preparing to send it back in to be replaced by the insurer. I can not do anything on the phone, but it does turn on and I've been able to restore it back to factory settings, unjailbreaking it and updating it to whatever the most recent firmware is.
My concern is that I am paranoid and do not want any data (including files that were previously deleted) recoverable by anyone. I do not know if insurance companies fix these and then resell them or what, but I want to make sure nothing is recoverable.
It is my understanding that iPhone data is encrypted, and when the iPhone is restored, the encryption key is destroyed and even if the data were recovered, it would be unreadable because it would be unable to be decrypted. Is this correct? Does this include deleted files (pictures, documents messages?)
I have tried overwriting all the free space but it is difficult because the phone is unusable and my computer only allows me to sync directly after a restore. I can usually fill 70 of the 128gb up before my computer freezes and I have to restore again and start over.
Anyway I was just wondering if I should have any concerns about anything being able to be recovered, even if I'm unable to overwrite all of the free space.
Thank you so much for your time!