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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 9, 2018
Hi :)

.. A question to other artists, or generally people owning an Instagram account dealing with people's negative feedback on their posts. I'm not talking about constructive criticism, but more like people trashing your art or making obnoxious comments.
I guess I just wanted to know people's opinion about this..

Has any of this happened to you? What do you do with these comments? Do you ignore or delete?
And if a person repeatedly makes annoying/unsupportive comments on your posts, do you end up blocking them?
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Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
In this day and age the constant ask for a like, subscribe or follow gets rather draining.

Heck I can't even order underwear without the seller wanting feedback!

I'm not an artist, but am a photographer. Sometimes I get feedback I take on board, other times it's something I disagree with.

Either way I don't take it personal. Art (like photography) is a subjective field. What one person likes, another won't.

I'd say just take on board what you can learn from and ignore everything else.
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