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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2009
Hi everyone,

I just posted this in the general section of the form but I think it is better suited here.

I would like to ask there are so many websites here in the UK saying they can unlock a iPhone 3G. Do all these sites sell the same software?

why pay someone to do something you can do yourself with a little bit of google searching? Don't give scammers your hard earned cash. I posted on craigslist here in Denver for people to email me before they pay someone to JB/unlock their i's, I simply send them a link to the quickpwn web site and a few different tutorials.
Hi everyone,

I just posted this in the general section of the form but I think it is better suited here.

I would like to ask there are so many websites here in the UK saying they can unlock a iPhone 3G. Do all these sites sell the same software?


Like the above poster said, I used quickpwn. Also I watched five different videos on you tube. I watched each one twice. The video that closely match my phone, my OS and the version I downloaded is the one I payed most attention to. There is a certain point where you are asked to hold the home button for 30 seconds, pay close attention on when to release. I messed up the first time (release to early) and had to restore and start again
all the websites are trying to scam you for your money. You can easily get the same software for free. Look in the sticky on this forum and you can go step by step to unlock your phone for free.
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