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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 17, 2009
If anybody would be nice, could someone tell me the precautions or any of the bad things that would/could happen if I were to use the beta of 3.0? But first of all, I am using a iPhone 3G, and I have NO intentions of unlocking, so upgrade the baseband away-ish. Second, I am not a developer, so If I were to follow the guides to going to 3.0 (jailbroken or not), what must I do so that my device wouldn't get messed up or bricked? I have already on my 2G iPhone went from jailbroken 2.2.1 to 3.0 beta 1 (not jailbroken) and downgraded fine, nothing went wrong, so I would like to know if I will be fortunate with my 3G. :) thanks.
I would advise avoiding bootleg software. It'll be out free, legal, and automatic in a couple months or so.
I would advise avoiding bootleg software. It'll be out free, legal, and automatic in a couple months or so.

Well, I actually did update+jailbreak to 3.0 beta 3, and just to advise all of you, it is slow as a beta would be, and the most annoying bug of all is that wifi (most of the time) and basically your phone service doesn't work (data, etc, it just shows 0 bars or no service).

I advise all of you to just wait it out until the full 3.0 comes out this summer, I mean april flew by pretty quick didn't it :) just a couple more weeks lol.

Anyways today I had been trying to unbrick my 3G (I don't care about basband, ATT ftw) and I had 0 luck on my macbook, trying to downgrade back to 2.2.1, I had tried EVERYTHING!! I was at my dads house doing this so yeah my PC is at my moms house, so I had to go all the way back (after spending like 5 hours on this) to try it there and thank god it worked, and I am back to normal thanks to my backup :) so for the record, use a PC to unbrick it or w/e if you can't restore it back.

I actually like getting these buggy stuff and trying so hard to make something work again, because everytime you get to learn something new :) now I know how to work this thing for the future if anyone I know messes up, so even if you screw yourself, in actuality you don't.
Your lucky

I had to send my iPod touch to apple because it got bricked downgrading from 3.0. They replaced it for free and all but just out of curiousity how did you unbrick your iPhone?
I had to send my iPod touch to apple because it got bricked downgrading from 3.0. They replaced it for free and all but just out of curiousity how did you unbrick your iPhone?

I worked hard. Google downgrading from 3.0 to 2.2.1, and make sure your using a PC. Then you can just restore it from your pwnagetool firmware or w/e you want but it doesn't let you restore from backup because it says its corrupted even though it is not so I am looking into that.

Also after getting my phone back, I couldn't restore from my backup either, but good thing I had sshed and gotten my APTBackup files...I will just get my jailbroken stuff there :) I might as well just re-restore it now and send it back to ATT/Apple so I can get a brand new phone and more 3.0 stuff :p.
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