Yeah man, this is Mac we are talking about. Once you get on, you will know what and how to do everything. Trust me on this one, I had to use Macs a year ago in Multimedia, and I just picked it up and was away, first time I EVER used a Mac too. Since then, I have been a little intriged by Macs. Trying to install it on my own machine didn't go over at all...
So I had an oppurtunity to get a Laptop and after looking through tons of Black and grey laptops, I thot, APPLE. And, that is what I got, and I am very proud of my decsition, the most expensive thing I have ever gotten (Right after i got my other most expensive thing, the iPod video) Both of these are purchases that I did tons of research for, and am so GLAD i did it. They get the job done.
As far as getting used to the OS, it's like using an iPod, you see it, you push a button, and you say wow, and you do it again, and something else cool happens, and it keeps getting better and better, and in no time, you will be a "Mac Master"! But don't let this get you wrong, I use Windows every day. In fact, I'm using my windows machine right now, heck, I built it, might as well use what I built it for...
GOOD LUCK ON THE SWITCH!!! (And don't give up on windows)