I want to find a stand-alone PLIST viewer or editor. Specifically, I want(ed) to be able to go through the SAFRI History and find particular websites. (Safari crashed when I had 15 or so pages open as tabs.) I have already done the work and used M$ Word to view the file and get the sites, but there has to be a way to go through PLISTs with out dealing with all of the coding gobbely gook.
From what I have gleaned PLISTs are Pearl generated or compliant database files, but thats all I know.
Ive searched the forums, but didnt find anything particularly germane to the quest for a PLIST viewer.
From what I have gleaned PLISTs are Pearl generated or compliant database files, but thats all I know.
Ive searched the forums, but didnt find anything particularly germane to the quest for a PLIST viewer.