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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 11, 2008
If I jailbreak my phone, would still use the same 2.1 firmware? Would it be easy to update to newer jailbroke firmware when they come out? Such as 2.2 which is next month?

Can I still sync and backup my data through iTunes without corrupting anything? Still buy/download apps from the official App Store?

Also, what is the difference between the theming apps like Summerboard/Winterboard?


Which jailbreak process is better on Vista? WinPwn or QuickPwn?
If I jailbreak my phone, would still use the same 2.1 firmware? Would it be easy to update to newer jailbroke firmware when they come out? Such as 2.2 which is next month?

Can I still sync and backup my data through iTunes without corrupting anything? Still buy/download apps from the official App Store?

Also, what is the difference between the theming apps like Summerboard/Winterboard?


Which jailbreak process is better on Vista? WinPwn or QuickPwn?
yes it would still be on 2.1. jailbreaking isn't that hard or painfully slow. it takes like ten minutes tops. yes you can still sync with itunes. however if you back up you will have settings left over from the JB which i don't recommend doing (if you so decide to go back you will have some problems depending one what you downloaded) yes you can still ue the appstore. i use winterboard just cause its easy to use. they all accomplish the same thing. i perfer quickpwn as its easier and faster. i recommend you use the tutorial from its easy to follow step by step with picures.
If I jailbreak my phone, would still use the same 2.1 firmware? Would it be easy to update to newer jailbroke firmware when they come out? Such as 2.2 which is next month?

You would still be on 2.1. You can wait, if you like (2.2 is rumored to be coming on 11/21), but it's cake to upgrade, so honestly, there's no reason not to start now. :)

Can I still sync and backup my data through iTunes without corrupting anything? Still buy/download apps from the official App Store?

Yup. Jailbreaking doesn't take anything away. It only gives you more. :)

Also, what is the difference between the theming apps like Summerboard/Winterboard?

Summerboard was pre-2.0. Winterboard is for 2.0 and later. :)

You're welcome. :)

Which jailbreak process is better on Vista? WinPwn or QuickPwn?

I'm going to wait until 2.2 is out and cracked, before doing it, but two questions:
1) When I jailbreak, will the process preserve my settings from a non-jailbroken 2.2 backup? (I don't want to lose anything)

2) If (for whatever reason) I have to restore to a normal 2.2, will any changes to default apps(settings, texts, contacts, configurations, etc) that were made whilst it was jailbroken, be preserved?
I'm going to wait until 2.2 is out and cracked, before doing it, but two questions:
1) When I jailbreak, will the process preserve my settings from a non-jailbroken 2.2 backup? (I don't want to lose anything)

2) If (for whatever reason) I have to restore to a normal 2.2, will any changes to default apps(settings, texts, contacts, configurations, etc) that were made whilst it was jailbroken, be preserved?

1) Your network settings and etc..will not be saved, but your contacts, calender, texts, music, videos will be saved because those are SYNC to your itunes. All you have to do is re-sync your JB phone to itunes and you will get your contacts, texts back and have it remain JB.

2) Keep in mind, backup and sync are two entirely different processes. So, if you restore to normal 2.2 you will not have whatever you saved on your backup, but you can always re-sync your contacts.
Thanks for all the information everyone :)

I'll probably jailbreak and play around with the Cydia apps this weekend ;)
Well now that 2.2 just came out.. How long would it be before the Dev team comes out with a jailbroke 2.2?
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