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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
Hello everyone!
Recently I have a 2021 MBP 14" base model. Maybe some of you know how I ended up having this computer after some issues with an Apple Store, but it was a long story (check my profile to see if interested ☺️).

Before that, I have been using a Early 2015 13" MBP base-model. It served me very well. However I notice that there are lots of news and new technologies with these new MBPs and new MacOS versions.
Hence I have some questions to make sure I am using everything correct, not damaging something.

  1. The display of these 2021 MBPs are kind of special, I guess, it is called Liquid Retina etc.
    Usually I am using it at almost full brightness, maybe 2 bar less, is it okay to use this display like this? Does this brightness level make any damage to it? I am a bit worried because of the LED technology.
  2. I am right now using Monterey 12.1, and ProMotion technology is activated. However it usually does not feel like 120Hz, especially in the Safari while scrolling. Is it normal or am I paranoid? 😅
  3. Is there anything more, which can be a hint or an advise, that I should avoid or should do in terms of a better and long-term healthy usage? This is my first "Apple Silicon" processored MacBook, hence I would like to know if there exists anything I should know about it.
  4. Is there any special and beneficial application that you say "it is a MUST to have"? It might be in terms productivity, battery management, general settings etc.
  5. Is there also any accessories that you advise me to use? (Right now I purchased a case cover sticker, a plastic case cover, a screen protector film, a keyboard cover.)
I feel kind of old-grandpa as I have been using an Early 2015 MBP on a MacOS High Sierra, now all these feels such new technology to me. Hence I am trying to understand it and asking you.
Thanks in advance! 😊


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2010
1) Use whatever brightness you like - it's safe
2) 120Hz not enabled in Safari in 12.1 apparently it's coming in 12.2.
3) No, just use it how you like
4) Iina for video playback, the Unarchiver for archives, Chrome for browsing, Spotify for music, MS office.
5) I have never used any body cases, covers, stickers for any laptop. Just a good sleeve case is enough. Never had any significant damage either. My 2013 MacBook Pro still looks pretty much like new after years of daily use, travel etc. No scratches, no dings. I don't see the point in protective stickers or cases unless you are careless, or have careless people using your machine.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
1) Use whatever brightness you like - it's safe
2) 120Hz not enabled in Safari in 12.1 apparently it's coming in 12.2.
3) No, just use it how you like
4) Iina for video playback, the Unarchiver for archives, Chrome for browsing, Spotify for music, MS office.
5) I have never used any body cases, covers, stickers for any laptop. Just a good sleeve case is enough.
2) When I check the updates, there is no update I can do to get 12.2, is it not published yet?
4) I downloaded the Chrome, however I find it so heavy to use as it requires much memory. I am now on the Safari.

Thanks for the answers by the way


macrumors regular
Nov 12, 2020
RE 4 & what software to get.
  • I downloaded Tager from the app store to be able to customize folder colors and icons and put them on the dock. It's free and seems to work well.
  • 1Password : I use this for my password management. works on mac, iphone very well.
  • (you can use the website, but I prefer to install on my machine I use Visio at work on my Windows machine but lately I've switched to using as it's a really nice program.
  • You can download iPad games to your mac now too! Not all of them work as well on a laptop - but some are really fun. I have an Apple Arcade subscription and it enables games on both iPad/iPhone and MBP.

RE Chrome. See
I've stopped using Chrome on my macbooks as it is such a memory hog. It was bringing my 13" m1 mbp to it's knees CPU wise until I uninstalled it. I'm using Brave which seems to behave itself much better and has the added advantage of blocking most ads. It still uses a lot of memory, but not as much or badly as Chrome from my experience.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 21, 2015
Munich, Germany
RE 4 & what software to get.
  • I downloaded Tager from the app store to be able to customize folder colors and icons and put them on the dock. It's free and seems to work well.
  • 1Password : I use this for my password management. works on mac, iphone very well.
  • (you can use the website, but I prefer to install on my machine I use Visio at work on my Windows machine but lately I've switched to using as it's a really nice program.
  • You can download iPad games to your mac now too! Not all of them work as well on a laptop - but some are really fun. I have an Apple Arcade subscription and it enables games on both iPad/iPhone and MBP.

RE Chrome. See
I've stopped using Chrome on my macbooks as it is such a memory hog. It was bringing my 13" m1 mbp to it's knees CPU wise until I uninstalled it. I'm using Brave which seems to behave itself much better and has the added advantage of blocking most ads. It still uses a lot of memory, but not as much or badly as Chrome from my experience.
  • I just removed the Chrome and installed the Brave, let us see how it will work. One of my friends has also advised me the Brave as well, I did not pay quite attention, but now is the time.
  • I am using iCloud and MacOS itself to save my passwords, how does 1Password make a difference at this point?
  • For the iPad games: I could not find Clash of Clans, is it not possible? 😅 (I am not a well-gamer, but the COC is the only game I take a look at daily basis)


macrumors regular
Nov 12, 2020
  • I just removed the Chrome and installed the Brave, let us see how it will work. One of my friends has also advised me the Brave as well, I did not pay quite attention, but now is the time.
  • I am using iCloud and MacOS itself to save my passwords, how does 1Password make a difference at this point?
  • For the iPad games: I could not find Clash of Clans, is it not possible? 😅 (I am not a well-gamer, but the COC is the only game I take a look at daily basis)

I really like Brave - I hope you find it a good browser for your needs!

1Password uses their own cloud service to store your passwords and adds a Master password to keep others out of your passwords. On mac you can use touchID to unlock it (after a certain period of time it will ask you to enter your Master password again for security). I can access all my passwords from multiple devices really easily and it keeps them in sync. I can easily search my passwords - it will help me generate new passwords using various rules to make them secure. I believe it also works on Windows; but I haven't installed it there since that's my work computer and tend to keep personal stuff off of there. I don't know how it compares to using iCloud and MacOS - but I've been very happy with it.

I'm not familiar with Clash of Clans - sorry!
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