Hello everyone,
Finally picked up Dragon Age 2 for the new Mac Pro - I am running two ACD's and when I am playing I run full screen which is cool, but leaves the one ACD just black - I am not sure if that is healthy.
I was trying to find a way to shut it down while gaming or shut it down while not in full screen... it is bright.... when the game is running in front of me and the second is on....
I know there must be an easy answer to this.... work time the ACD's are great but play time I only need one of them running....
Finally picked up Dragon Age 2 for the new Mac Pro - I am running two ACD's and when I am playing I run full screen which is cool, but leaves the one ACD just black - I am not sure if that is healthy.
I was trying to find a way to shut it down while gaming or shut it down while not in full screen... it is bright.... when the game is running in front of me and the second is on....
I know there must be an easy answer to this.... work time the ACD's are great but play time I only need one of them running....