If i use quickPwn on mac to jailbreak my iPhone (3G), firmware 2.2, will there be any risk of losing the activation ?
as in will i still be able to call and text and use 3G and all?
because i didn't activate at home, i activated at Walmart, so i'm not entirely sure. Because i know you use itunes to restore a modded iPhone firmware to bring in cydia and whatnot, but does that at all mess with the actual telephone, 3G connecting part of the iPhone?
as in will i still be able to call and text and use 3G and all?
because i didn't activate at home, i activated at Walmart, so i'm not entirely sure. Because i know you use itunes to restore a modded iPhone firmware to bring in cydia and whatnot, but does that at all mess with the actual telephone, 3G connecting part of the iPhone?