I won't be using Oracle at all. I want to set this up to run as a ColdFusion 9 server with MySQL. I will also hook up email, ftp, iCal and other services to it so I can run my business and my client sites via the server.
I'm just looking for the best way to back up the server itself so in case of a server failure, I can replace the server via Apple Store / Apple Care and then restore the image on the server and be back running quickly. I also plan to build a farm of mini servers as my business grows. So I'm debating if I should go Mac (With it's new pricing and awesome features) or should I stay MS Windows Server.
Thanks for the info you all posted thus far, I'm researching those solutions and weighting them.
SuperDuper, How is it and how easy is it to use. Remember, I'm coming from the Windows World and I'm very techie so I'm not worried about complexity, but I would love to keep a simple and striaght forward work flow to do these things if possible.