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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jun 4, 2003
Hi there - just a real quick question for the all-knowing Mac experts here. :)

Is there a shortcut in Safari to add on the "www." and ".com" when typing in an address? I know in IE, if you just type in "apple", for instance, then hit Ctrl+Enter, it fills in the www. and .com for you. It's not a big deal, but I figure that if MS can actually program in a useful shortcut like this, then surely Apple must as well!
Yes, if you just type in Apple and hit enter, it emends the www and .com by default. In IE 6 doing that searches MSN. You have to use the key combo to get the same effect.
Heh heh - guess I never tried that. What a surprise, Apple makes things less complicated to do than Microsoft... ;)
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