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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 26, 2021
I really l o v e the ProRes option on my 14 PM but only have the 2 TB storage option on my iCloud. So for the most part I shoot "everyday things" to friends and family, coffee break, things I find in stores and have questions about and so on. That is approximately 70% of all my images.
I never delete images, they’re like some sort of diary for me.

Then there’s the ProRes option that results in file sizes between 50-70 MB and boy is that filling up space on iCloud.

So, I was thinking if there’s some quicker way to toggle ProRes on & off instead going to settings, scroll down to "camera" and "format" and change it manually (and often forget to switch it off) taking up a lot of unnecessary space both on the device itself but also on my iCloud Drive?

Some shortcut or likewise from either the camera gui or perhaps a "switch" on the home screen?

Usually the HEIF option is fine enough for most part of my photos, but sometimes ProRes is a way better option.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 26, 2021
It was simpler than I thought

Activate ProRAW in settings the usual way, choose 12 or 48 mp and head back to the camera.
There will now be an option stating "RAW" that can easily be toggled on and off.

Then there’s the option to preserve settings in camera settings as well, be sure to switch that to "off" (not preserving the "on" or "off" state)
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