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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 8, 2007
Hey, I jailbreaked my iphone 3G in windows with QuickPwn 2.2 and it worked nicely and asked me what to install, and I ticked the "Installer", but the same version for MAC doesn't ask me that (I used my gf's white macbook)!! It just installs the damn thing! Why is that? Is there a way to remove or not install through mac the Installer? Thx in advance
The only reason I'm using my gf's macbook is because I don't wanna install iTunes on my freshly formatted windows pc :\ ... I tried running just quickpwn but it crashes on start..
Even if installer gets installed, its really easy to get rid of. You can do it through SSH or mobilefinder.

BTW: I love your sig DavieBoy! :D
Hm... How do I SSH into my iphone to do that? I understand little to nothing about SSH, but I did use some app in the past to acess mobileme and stuff for some "innapropriate" reasons :p
Hm... How do I SSH into my iphone to do that? I understand little to nothing about SSH, but I did use some app in the past to acess mobileme and stuff for some "innapropriate" reasons :p

You need to install open SSH via Cydia(its under featured apps), create an ad-hoc network on your mac or just use a regular wireless network. Join the network with the iPhone. Once you join it take note of the IP address.

Open terminal and type:

ssh root@*iphone ip here*

(after a a min or two type yes to accept the key)

For password type alpine

Now download a mac application called Cyberduck and install

Open Cyberduck, click open connection, select SFTP (SSH protocal)

under the server: *iPhone ip*
username: root
password: alpine

Then log in, navigate the root menu, go to applications, select installer and click command - delete or just right click the installer folder and select delete. Log off and then just respring or restart the phone.

Sounds fun doesn't it?

Or just download iphone browser for the PC and install and all you have to do nothing except have the phone connected via a USB. Still need to navigate to the applications folder and delete installer but none of the rest.
Even if installer gets installed, its really easy to get rid of. You can do it through SSH or mobilefinder.

BTW: I love your sig DavieBoy! :D

Thanks, I was confused when I signed up, I thought you were supposed to put everything you had on your desk at the time... Man I an so dumb
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