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When i buy my new iBook will i have to buy quicktime pro?
iBunny said:
When i buy my new iBook will i have to buy quicktime pro?

You can buy it anytime. All you buy is a serial number that unlocks QuickTime Pro from its unpro state (the QuickTime that comes with every Mac). :)
Can i watch all types of movies with QTpro? like mpgs avi's stuff like that?
Yep. QTP gives you all its encoding abilities. VLC or MPlayer are better if you just want to watch.
----Bowie---- said:
I think that Pro should come with Mac OS X and iLife

Oh, so true, if Apple should charge for it at all. I have QT Pro and I think the features should be standard. Paying for full screen? Ridiculous. It should be part of iLife or it should be free.
jet3004 said:
Oh, so true, if Apple should charge for it at all. I have QT Pro and I think the features should be standard. Paying for full screen? Ridiculous. It should be part of iLife or it should be free.

But it never will be, so it is worth the 29.99 just for the save movie feature and encoding alone.
jet3004 said:
Oh, so true, if Apple should charge for it at all. I have QT Pro and I think the features should be standard. Paying for full screen? Ridiculous. It should be part of iLife or it should be free.

Yea, that is one reason a lot of Windows people can't stand Quicktime.
You go and download a movie trailer, and you can't watch it full screen, which I really hate!

Of course the alternative is usually to download it in Real Player format, which plays full screen, but it's Real and we all know how that sucks!
Yes, I enjoy being able to download the QuickTime movies. Then I can enjoy them at a later time. :)
stupid thing about qt pro not being free is that it is actually included in apple pro software which need the encoding capabilities. there's just no point in selling it separately calling it a "pro" software, because pro's have it free with the pro software purchase. therefore it is only the regular joe who actually pays for it. and regular joe does not likely need to ever encode anything - regular joe only needs two features: fullscreen viewing and the ability to save qt movies from the web sites.

maybe some day apple gives the full quicktime for free. it should be free, because all quicktime features should be included in every mac.
Why do you want to watch something full screen? Most of the time its horible.

As for the Pro version, the real use is if you want to be able to save .MOV files. Personnaly, I think it worth it.

And the Pro doesnt stand for professional but more to say that its a better version than the 'normal' one... Pros can already encode in .MOV
jet3004 said:
Oh, so true, if Apple should charge for it at all. I have QT Pro and I think the features should be standard. Paying for full screen? Ridiculous. It should be part of iLife or it should be free.

You can watch movies and stuff full screen, you just need to use a 3rd party app to do it, like VLC or MPlayer.
Mantat said:
Why do you want to watch something full screen? Most of the time its horible.

As for the Pro version, the real use is if you want to be able to save .MOV files. Personnaly, I think it worth it.

And the Pro doesnt stand for professional but more to say that its a better version than the 'normal' one... Pros can already encode in .MOV

".mov" is not a codec per se. .mov is a wrapper for other compressions.

Think of it as a box for a video file with compartments for metadata and the actual compressed file (which could be encoded/transcoded by a lot of different codecs)
legion said:
".mov" is not a codec per se. .mov is a wrapper for other compressions.
I know, same thing for AVI files on windows. But on the windows world, its so more complicated because of the various codec that uses AVI.

Personnaly, I only use Mpeg 4, Pixelet and the default QT format for web video. Thats all one needed for quality video that can be used by 99% of the population who has a decent computer...
Now that this thread is going, I am having a problem exporting mpg files to .mov or .dv and keeping the sound. I can export the video just fine, but when I compare the original .mpg and its .mov counterpart, no sound on the latter. Any ideas??
If you're "going pro" for the fullscreen video, it's not likely worth it; there are freeware apps like VLC if you just want fullscreen, and cheaper shareware QT players that offer fullscreen plus other nice features (floating window, that kind of thing) for less than Pro.

For access to all the export options QT Pro offers, though, it's a steal at $30--well worth the money if you encode anything, particularly if you don't like having to work with more complex free or shareware tools.

You don't need Pro to play DivX and the like, by the way--you can install the free DivX and 3ivX plugins in the non-pro version of QT just fine.

carletonmusic said:
Now that this thread is going, I am having a problem exporting mpg files to .mov or .dv and keeping the sound. I can export the video just fine, but when I compare the original .mpg and its .mov counterpart, no sound on the latter.
So far as I know, QT can't do this; it plays muxed (audio and video combined) MPEG video just fine, but it doesn't export it properly, and never has. I'd check out some of the freeware tools for working with .mpg files; there are a lot of them.
Makosuke said:
If you're "going pro" for the fullscreen video, it's not likely worth it; there are freeware apps like VLC if you just want fullscreen, and cheaper shareware QT players that offer fullscreen plus other nice features (floating window, that kind of thing) for less than Pro.

For access to all the export options QT Pro offers, though, it's a steal at $30--well worth the money if you encode anything, particularly if you don't like having to work with more complex free or shareware tools.

You don't need Pro to play DivX and the like, by the way--you can install the free DivX and 3ivX plugins in the non-pro version of QT just fine.

So far as I know, QT can't do this; it plays muxed (audio and video combined) MPEG video just fine, but it doesn't export it properly, and never has. I'd check out some of the freeware tools for working with .mpg files; there are a lot of them.

Does that mean that I could have acces to better Quicktime codecs in iMovie? Like smaller bitrate but equal quality?
Doesn't the H.264 Codec come standarf with iMovie?
I'd have to vote no on this one. There are freeware programs that do all the things that QTP does.
You know, you can watch videos full screen from within iTunes. And, iTunes keeps your videos organized just like your music.

QuickTime Pro does not add any extra decoding possibilities. If it doesn't play in QuickTime, then simply upgrading to QuickTime Pro isn't going to change anything.
Acehigh said:
Does Quicktime pro come with Divx codec or would i have to pay $20 for that.

As I said just above your post, QuickTime pro does not include extra codecs above QuickTime regular. If a movie cannot play in QuickTime, upgrading to QuickTime Pro is not going to change that.
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