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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2009
iphone 3gs latest os 3.01
installed redsnow for 3gs

everything works well, BUT, whenever I download an app through cydia i always get an error that says:

Directory '/var/log/apt/' missing

and it has an OKAY button underneath it. The app works fine after pressing OK but the error comes up every time and its super annoying. (see attached)

Second thing..after installing the jailbreak, the TIME on my iphone is totally wrong...the only way to get the time correct is to manually adjust it. If I set time to goes off by like 5 hours. ????

I've tried googling both issues and have come up with very little info. Please help. Im new to iphone and new to jailbreaking...but im pretty savvy so not a nub.


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iphone 3gs latest os 3.01
installed redsnow for 3gs

everything works well, BUT, whenever I download an app through cydia i always get an error that says:

Directory '/var/log/apt/' missing

and it has an OKAY button underneath it. The app works fine after pressing OK but the error comes up every time and its super annoying. (see attached)

Second thing..after installing the jailbreak, the TIME on my iphone is totally wrong...the only way to get the time correct is to manually adjust it. If I set time to goes off by like 5 hours. ????

I've tried googling both issues and have come up with very little info. Please help. Im new to iphone and new to jailbreaking...but im pretty savvy so not a nub.

I have no idea what to tell you about the time besides maybe doing a restore and jailbreaking again? As far as the other issue, I have never seen that, but have you tried SSH to just go in and manually create that directory that it's looking for? That might get rid of that error for you, althought it seems like the time issue would be more of an inconvenience.
Im not famliar with SSH, i know i have it installed but im not sure how I would use it?? I agree that creating that directory should help...The time thing is fixed via setting time manually, which I still dont get why its even an issue....
Im not famliar with SSH, i know i have it installed but im not sure how I would use it?? I agree that creating that directory should help...The time thing is fixed via setting time manually, which I still dont get why its even an issue....

Are you on a PC? If so, use iPhone Browswer, it's much easier. Just run this program, plug in your iPhone and then you will see the directory structure.
no I have a macbook, but i do have xp installed on a virtual I may try that! thanks. If its as easy as creating a new folder in that directory from that program, great!

I will post results once done.
yeah that iphone browser app didnt work on my virtual xp. trash.

going the ssh cyberduck route, which I have to mess with at a later time.

RIGHT NOW, whats REALLY bothering is that my iphone clock is off by 16 hours??? wtf? After jailbreaking the clock display on the lock screen at the top of the home screen is totally incorrect. The only way to fix is if I manually adjust it, but I want it to work Automatically!!!
one of the problems could be that you don't have the repository or source. I went and downloaded all sources that were trust from cydia and don't have a problem downloading apps anymore.

Also if you get familiar with SSH you can try to uninstall cydia and reinstall that way so you don't have to restore and jb again if you really don't want to.

imo I would restore and jb again, that way i knew its like brand new
restore and re jailbreak

If I do this will I lose all of my cydia apps and settings???

sbsettings, installous, etc..??

I've read on google others having the same problem....I can fix it via manually entering time, but my world clock is wayy off, (maybe cupertino time, lol?)
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